CategoryIntrusive Question No. 632: More Kids??
My youngest daughter is now 2 1/2. For quite some months, now, I’ve been getting the well-meaning (but totally intrusive) question, “Are …
Declare it! Own It! Make Your Inner Voice Your Cheerleader!
What’s your inner voice like? By that, I mean, how do you talk to yourself? Are you positive and upbeat or are you self-critical and pess…
We’re Not Just Holding Hands Here
We’re not just holding hands here, my little one; this simple act is much more than it appears. Every time I clasp your grubby little han…
That Time The School Attendance Letter Made Me Sob
School attendance is important. I get it! If the kids are missing school, they’re missing out on important lessons that are designed to s…
9 Disney Princesses Who Were Feminists
My girls love to play princesses. Their bedrooms are decorated with Disney princesses posters, their wardrobes are overflowing with glitt…
When Selfless Love Becomes Self Abuse
When you become a parent, your priorities change. It’s no longer about looking after yourself, it’s about taking care of your little ones…
10 Reasons I Am Rocking Motherhood
The Rocking Motherhood tag was originally started by White Camelias to celebrate the “small but great things mothers do right day after d…
When Discrimination Strikes: The Curse Of Being Tall
Oh my darling, sometimes it’s hard to be tall. I know that. You’re only 2 and yet everybody expects so much of you. It’s not their fault….
I Shouldn’t Be This Worried About Online Photos. Are You?
Do you post photos of your kids online? Do they feature on your social media? Do they appear on your blog?
I was a student when Facebook…
How My Gut Instinct Made Me A Better Mum
Today’s post goes out to all the mummies (and daddies) who are second-guessing themselves… Stop! Your gut instinct could be the best pare…
The Big Secret Pinterest-Perfect Mums Can’t Tell You
We all know them, don’t we – the perfect mums! The ones who are always early to pick their children up from school, complete with immacul…
9 Easy-To-Theme Party Games Your Kids Will Love
It’s Jenny’s 6th birthday in a few weeks so I am in full party-planning mode and party games are high on the agenda! Over the next few we…
Why Can’t She Stop Growing Up?!
My five year old daughter is growing up! Today she went to a birthday party all by herself! I know it might not seem like a momentous occ…
Am I A Bad Person For Being A Stay At Home Mum?
I’m a stay at home mum. I’ve blogged about it a lot before because I think it’s important:
- I’m there for my kids when they need me
That Awkward Moment When… the parents’ edition
Parenting is wonderful but it can also produce some cringingly-awkward moments! I’ve written a list of some of my awkward moments so you …
To My Grown Up Children, Don’t Forget Me
Oh my darling daughters, when you are grown up, please don’t forget me.
It seems so far off right now (you are only 5 and 2), but I know…
I Am A Mummy; I Am So Blessed
When I look at you, my beautiful children, I feel blessed.
When you throw your chubby arms around my neck, I feel blessed.
When your so…
Nail The School Run Like A Pro: The School Run Song
Want some tips for nailing the school run? Look somewhere else! No matter how prepared we seem to be, there is always something that goes…
The Voluntary Baby Group Leader
I run the local Baby and Toddler Group. It’s a voluntary position but I feel very passionately that we need a local meeting place like th…
The Nappy Police Live On Anglesey
Have you heard about the recent nappy controversy on Anglesey? Anglesey Council have stated that, as of October, nappies will only be col…