We’re Not Just Holding Hands Here

We’re not just holding hands here, my little one; this simple act is much more than it appears. Every time I clasp your grubby little hand in mine, I am whispering a hundred sweet messages to you. To the outside world, it might look like nothing, but I know that you understand our silent communication.

holding hands navy blue forest

What holding hands really means

  • I love you
  • I will protect you
  • You are not alone
  • You are special to me
  • We are united
  • I will help you
  • I will guide you
  • I will follow you
  • If you fall, I will catch you
  • I love spending time with you
  • I will support you
  • We are in this together
  • We are mother and daughter
  • I will keep you safe
  • I am here for you
  • You are precious
  • I want to share this moment with you
  • I want to walk with you
  • You are worthwhile
  • You mean the world to me

holding hands spotty red trousers muddy

Hold my hand, sweetheart

What started as a quick note jotted down beneath an Instagram post has developed into a deep feeling of happiness and contentment. I feel so blessed to be able to hold your hand and to take long meandering walks with you through the park.

I love how at ease we are, walking hand-in-hand.

Yours are always toasty warm, and mummy’s are cold as ice. But that doesn’t put you off. You run up behind me and press your little chubby fingers into mine. I squeeze them for a second to let you know that I’m glad you’re there.

holding hands instagram tight grip

I know it won’t always be like this. Walking home from school today, there were many children who weren’t so keen to be at their mother’s side. They were playing with their friends; racing and skipping ahead. It’s part of growing up and wanting your own independence.

I understand that. I won’t hold you back, my love.

But while it lasts, I will cherish this feeling. I will take the time to commit it to memory. I will smile inside and out as you so naturally reach for my grasp. These moments, so everyday and ordinary, are what make life worthwhile. Thank you, my sweetheart. I love you x

holding hands shadows

Lucy At Home
Hot Pink Wellingtons

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com



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  1. 4
    Eric Wood

    Aww.. you are right. I send these same messages when I hold my 5 (soon to be 6 EEK!) son’s hand. I do it for safety. I do it for love. I do it for a million other reasons… Thanks for an awesome link up! So glad I was introduced! #BlogCrush

  2. 6

    My favourite quote: Holding hands is a promise that just in this moment the two of you don’t have to face the world alone.
    great post #blogcrush

  3. 10
    Joana at Mind The Mummy

    Aw this is SO LOVELY, it brought a tear to my eye. These are truly precious moments and it is so important to be aware of them and their fleeting nature. Never letting moments like these pass you by or go unregistered amid the chaos of everyday life is the secret of parenting, I think. 🙂 #blogcrush

  4. 16
    Jemma @popcornlunchuk

    This brought a tear to my eye!! Beautiful words that capture the importance of such a simple little act xx

  5. 17

    What a lovely thing to write! So beautiful and 100% echoes my own sentiment. I know I’m on borrowed hand-holding time and relishing every last second of it! #blogcrush

  6. 21
    Nat - Awaybies

    This is so wonderful Lucy, I love the list of everything it means to hold your daughter’s hand. As a mum of a quickly growing 8 year old I am all too aware our days of hand holding may be numbered, but I’m determined to enjoy it as long as I can. #blogcrush

  7. 23
    Mrs Lighty

    Oh I love this! It’s one of my favourite things when Baby Lighty reaches for my hand. My nephew was gripping onto my hand for dear life on the dancefloor of his parents’ wedding this weekend. It must be a lovely comfort for them. Thanks for sharing this with #blogcrush and for hosting of course xxx

  8. 29

    Oh I have goosebumps on goosebumps reading this – totally in love with it and completely resonate. Simply beautiful. Thanks so much for deciding to join us at #TriumphantTales 🙂

  9. 31
    Ali Duke

    Aww this is lovely. My daughter is 12 and she still holds my hand at times when we are out. I think she likes it as it shoes how close we are, I don’t want her to grow up anymore so she always wants to hold my hand.

  10. 33

    Popping over from #TriumphantTales to say Hi.
    i don’t think I’ve ever put that much thought into anything I’ve ever done with my kids, it’s just something I did to stop them running away and keep them safe

  11. 37

    Beautiful! My Leo doesn’t really want to hold hands very often anymore so when he does reach for mine it makes me heart burst. I love this post xx #BlogCrush

  12. 45
    Laura - dear bear and beany

    This is beautiful. There really is no better feeling than having your child’s hand in yours. There is also nothing else that makes you feel more like a mum. I will hold on to these days and cherish them. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  13. 46

    This is just too sweet. The same could be said for holding a baby while he eats or just snuggling on the couch. The simple act of holding hands means so much! <3

  14. 47
    Hayley@ Mission: Mindfulness

    Oh this is just lovely. I LOVE holding hands with my eldest and when I stroke his hand 3 times it’s our secret message to remind him how much I love him. I can’t wait for the girls to WANT to hold my hand rather than me grabbing it for safety reasons! #BlogCrush xx

  15. 50
    Mrs Mummy Harris

    This is so adorable! I have never thought of holding hands as more than that! But now you’ve said it, boy how true is this!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you again next week.

  16. 52
    Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    What a beautiful post. My son is going through a stage where he doesn’t want to hold my hand – he’ll only tolerate it for crossing the road. Too keen to move on ahead and explore! But when we do hold hands it still has so many emotions attached to it – I love feeling his little hand in mine. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  17. 53

    Oh such a lovely post. I love holding hands, in general, not just with my son. While it has its practicalities at his age – it’s more than ‘don’t run off’. It’s definitely comfort, support, love any many more. #triumphanttales

  18. 59
    Alana - Burnished Chaos

    So beautiful and so true. My oldest is 8 now and hardly ever holds my hand but he used to all the time, long after his friends had given up holding their mums hand, and I treasured every moment. My youngest hates holding hands and always wants to be off, but on those occasions when she does reach for my hand it feels really special x

    • 60
      Lucy At Home

      I think my younger one won’t hold my hand for as long either – she just wants to do whatever her big sister does. So once my big girl stops holding hands, I think my little girl will too. Nooo!

  19. 61
    Carolina Twin Mom / Mary Peterson

    Very heartwarming post! I love how you recognize that gaining independence is a part of growing up and you won’t hold your daughter back. That’s something that I think many moms wrestle with, but your point of view is so healthy in my opinion. How wonderful that you have this perspective now while you are in the moment with your little girl instead of looking back, wishing you had savored them more. #SharingtheBlogLove

  20. 62
    Dave - Dad's Turn

    My little one has just started reaching out for my hand recently when walking which is a change as he’s usually stubbornly independent. It’s so nice to hold his little hand and reflects just what you’re saying. #sharingthebloglove

  21. 65
    Heather Burnett

    Lucy! This is a touching post! I remember when my girls were that age…I admit that often I took those moments for granted. My 9 year old still reaches for my hand every now and then and it makes my heart so full and sad, because I know soon that will end. Enjoy these moments! I love this post!


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