CategoryWithout Shouting, 10 Ways To Get Well-Behaved Kids
Do you ever fall into the trap of being a “shouty mum” or “bellowing dad”? Maybe it’s trying to help your kids with homework, or the pres…
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Can Gentle Parenting Solve The Mental Health Crisis?
Mental health is a big problem for many people. It’s estimated that 1 in 6 of us will have experienced a common mental health problem wit…
Parents: How A Time Out Can Discipline AND Nurture
More and more parents are moving away from traditional discipline methods (i.e. physical punishments like smacking). And the “time out” i…
Why It’s Vital To Discipline, Even As A Gentle Parent
Discipline is sometimes seen as a dirty word – I think we all remember being disciplined as children. Perhaps we resented it at the time …
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Defend Gentle Parenting To An Interfering Mother In Law
Have you got an interfering Mother in Law? Maybe it’s a friend who just can’t keep her opinions to herself? Or perhaps it’s your own mum …
The 3 Core Principles Of Gentle Parenting
GENTLE PARENTING… at best, it’s seen as weak parenting by the snowflake generation; at worst, it’s portrayed as downright lazy. Let me …
My Problem With Gentle Parenting: Rewards And Praise
I’m going rogue! I may be a gentle parenting blogger, but there’s one aspect of gentle parenting that I just can’t get on board with – th…
11 Hidden Issues That May Affect Your Child’s Behaviour
Humans are complicated! You can have fifty people attend an event and end up with fifty different opinions of it, because we all digest a…
10 Steps To Try Before Saying “We’re going home”
We’ve all done it – “I have had enough!” you yell, as your child flatly refuses to sit down properly at the restaurant table. “We’re goin…
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37 Tiny Ways To Give Positive Attention To Kids
I’ve been writing a lot recently about how important it is to give positive attention to our kids. Children thrive on attention and if th…
3 Things Gentle Parenting Is Not (& 3 Things It Is)
Gentle parenting gets a bad rap. I’m going to hold my hands up and admit that before I started it myself, I thought it was weak, wishy-wa…
How To Use Praise To Encourage Good Behaviour
How often do you praise your child? Is it a regular thing or something you reserve for special occasions (like exam success)? Do you do i…
The Big Problem With Parenting Advice
Yup I fully appreciate the irony of a post about the problem with parenting advice on a blog which focusses on giving parenting advice… b…
Positive Attention Is The Kindest Form Of Parenting
Children, teenagers, adults – we can all be attention-seeking. Even if we shy away from direct attention, we would never want to be ignor…
The Importance of Cause And Effect In Parenting
Cause and effect is the idea that something happens as a consequence of something else. For example, if I drop a glass, the glass smashes…
How To Do Gentle Parenting Without Pandering
Gentle parenting: it’s one of those marmite things – you either love it or hate it. Some people are drawn to the laid back, forgiving app…
Stick To Your Guns Without Being Dictator Mummy
As parents, it can feel like we spend our lives saying, “no!” Much as we hate doing it, sometimes dictator mummy has to step in and be fi…
Avoid These Top 3 Spelling Test Mistakes Parents Make
I remember the first day Jenny came home with “spellings” – a list of 10 words to be learnt, ready for the class’s weekly spelling test….
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Positive Language – The Brain Theory & How To Use It
Regular readers will know that the power of words and the importance of using positive language are common themes in this blog. But today…
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I Try To Be The Mummy Who… – A Poem
I try to be the mummy who treats you with respect,
Who listens your point of view and doesn’t interject.
I try to be the mummy who w…