I Am A Mummy; I Am So Blessed
When I look at you, my beautiful children, I feel blessed.
When you throw your chubby arms around my neck, I feel blessed.
When your soft cheek rests delicately against mine, I feel blessed.
When you chatter away in your complex baby dialect, I feel blessed.
When you curl up in my lap, I feel blessed.
When you sense something’s wrong and ask if I’m OK, I feel blessed.
When you charge out of the school door into my arms, I feel blessed.
When you tell me nonsensical jokes, I feel blessed.
When you pick wild flowers for me, I feel blessed.
When you slip your tiny, clammy hand into mine, I feel blessed.
When you whisper those precious words, ‘I love you’, I feel blessed.
When you sing ‘Let It Go’ at full volume, I feel blessed.
When you stick up for your siblings, I feel blessed.
When you bring me a book to read to you, I feel blessed.
When you shuffle even closer to me on the sofa, I feel blessed.
When you call out for mummy, I feel blessed.
When you giggle, I feel blessed.
When you play imaginary games, I feel blessed.
When you tell me repeatedly through the year that you’re going to take me to the cinema for my birthday, I feel blessed.
When you ask me to colour in with you, I feel blessed.
When your face lights up and you tell me, ‘this is the best day ever’, I feel blessed.
When you’re poorly and only mummy will do, I feel blessed.
When you share your half-eaten, soggy biscuit with me, I feel blessed.
When you instigate a silly faces competition, I feel blessed.
When you look at me with wide-eyed interest, I feel blessed.
When you spin around in your princess dress, I feel blessed.
When you ask me what I want to do instead of you, I feel blessed.
When your favourite TV character comes on and you call me so I don’t miss out, I feel blessed.
When you get excited that a tractor has driven past, I feel blessed.
When you cry for me in the night, I feel blessed.
Being a mummy is hard work, but it is such a privileged position. To be a mummy is to be the centre of someone’s world; to be loved and needed. My children make me laugh. They make me proud. They speak to my soul and reach the deepest fathoms of my heart.
Yes there are days when I feel overwhelmed or angry, but I am blessed; immeasurably, infintely, lavishly blessed.
What a wonderful post. Your children are blessed to have such a wonderful mum.
Aaaw thank you, Suzie!
This is so beautiful. Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays
Thank you, Fran. L
This was so sweet!!
Emily / Babies and Beauty #MarvMondays
Thank you, Emily. L
Count those daily lavish blessings and you’ve got one awesome life. I too am blessed and love your outburst of gratitude. Just what my soul needed #marvmonday
I’m so glad I was able to cheer your soul today. I think sometimes the awesomeness of having children hits you, and I just wanted to capture some of it on “paper”
Ohh I love this! Being a mummy is the best thing ever and it can be hard sone times but it’s totally worth it for all the moments like this xx #marvmondays
It really is fantastic being a mummy! I think it’s good to celebrate the good moments, so they can keep you going when you’re going through a rough patch. L
This is just such a beautiful post – being a Mummy is the best feeling. It’s hard but it’s so rewarding. Adore this post xxx #DreamTeam
Thank you, Fi. It’s always nice when somebody enjoys your post. Thank you for commenting. L
Its so lovely that you can recognise this even through the tough parts. For me I think that having children has been the single most challenging but rewarding experience of my life, and you’re right. I thank my lucky stars for them both every single day. Beautiful post. #MarvMondays xx
That’s exactly it – challenging but so unbelievably rewarding. Thank you for leaving a comment. L
It’s so true. We are completely blessed, even the days they make it hard to remember! I’m loving my big open mouth kisses at the moment! #familyfun
Oh it’s so cute when they’re still learning how to kiss and just go at you with their entire mouth! Hehe.
Beautiful post. You’re so right, we have privileged and blessed to be such a key part of someone’s life! I love holding that clammy little hand… #FamilyFun
It’s lovely, isn’t it. We mean everything to them and it’s such an honour. L
This is beautiful – what a lovely reminder of all those little moments that make parenthood so wonderful. Yes it is hard work sometimes but those little moments make it all worth it 🙂 #familyfun
They certainly do! Remembering the special moments help us to keep perspective in the hard times. L
Just popping across from Maflingo. We really are so blessed. So funny how we have both joined #BloggerclubUK with posts about the joys of parenting and thoughts on our children. Lovey post. #BloggerclubUk
Yes we were both on the same wavelength this week! Thank you for popping by, Jane. L
That’s truly beautiful I loved it. Yes we certainly have hard days and it can get the butter of us but it Is a privilege and we are so very blessed. They do such sweet funny and adorable things everyday that never fail to warm your heart and make you smile. Thanks for sharing this at #familyfun xx
It’s such a wonderful thing to be a mummy, and yes children are so funny sometimes. L
BEautiful post Lucy. We are truely blessed aren’t we! I love the big hugs that my little one is giving me at the moment. I hope they are come again and again! Why do they insist on sharing soggy biscuits though! THanks for linking up to #FamilyFun
Thank you, Karen. I love soggy biscuits (not to eat, but just the sentiment!). L
This is a beautiful post x #SharingtheBlogLove
Thank you, Kimberley. I’m glad you liked it. L
beautifully written and so very true, I feel so blessed to be a mummy too! #sharingthebloglove
Thank you, Mackenzie. I love being mummy too 🙂
What a wonderful post! It’s all those little things that just come together to make motherhood such a fantastically rewarding experience. Yes, we all have those days where it’s hard and nothing seems right (I’m having one right now!), but those aren’t the things you remember when you look back – it’s all the things you’ve written here, those are the things that stay with you and get you through the hard days. Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove
Thank you, Katy. I’m glad you liked the post. There are so many wonderful things about being a mummy. L
What a lovely piece you’ve written here I agree they have their moments but there’s definitely lots of lovely things that capture your heart every day. #DreamTeam
Thank you, Helena. That’s a lovely way of saying it – they capture your heart every day. I love it!
What a lovely poem:) I think all Mom can relate to that great piece:) #FamilyFun
Thank you.
This post filled my heart with joy for you and your kids. How precious are they! You also made me continue to feel ambivalent about how fleeting time with our little ones is. In a good way, of course. Sort of. I love having a lot of the same moments with my little ones and want them to stay little for just a little bit longer but I also can’t wait for them to grow up to experience all of life’s many adventures too. Loved this post. #familyfun
Yes time really flies. I sometimes wish we could just slow time a bit. Thank you for visiting. L
Oh I love this! Its so important to remember all those little things they do that make motherhood so wonderful. You have captured it all so beautifully. Yes, its tough at times, but thankfully all the wonderful moments far out weigh them. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x
Thank you, Laura. I really wanted to just take a bit of time to reflect on all those lovely moments we have with our children. I’m glad you enjoyed it too. L
Awww this is so lovely. As much as being a parent can be hard work, all the little things more than make up for it. Even something as simple as a smile can melt your heart.
Yes it’s all the everyday, precious moments that make life wonderful. L
This is really beautiful… It is really good to reminded of the blessings in the everyday 🙂
I think taking a bit of time to appreciate the every day joys makes for a much happier life. Thanks for your comment, Elizabeth. L
Awww how lovely. i feel the same. We are so SO lucky xxx #SharingtheBlogLove x
It’s great, isn’t it. What a lovely job we have. L
This is such a lovely post and you’re so right! One day our children may not need us as much as they do now and the good times far outweigh the bad times. All my friends had had children long before me, and I know how sad they were for me that I didn’t have kids (it took a while). Likewise I have friends who haven’t been able to have them for whoever reason and I feel so upset that they’ll never experience the feelings you’ve described above. When I’m having a tough day, I remind myself that a lot of people would do anything to be in the position I’m in. We are indeed blessed. #sharingthebloglove
Yes there are so many people who would love to have these moments and can’t for whatever reason. That makes it even more important for us to appreciate what we have been blessed with. L
[…] more toddler to curl up in my lap. No more warm head nestled into my neck. No more whispered “I love you”s as I kiss you […]
Really enjoyed this Motherhood is so hard and it’s easy to lose sight of all our blessings. We are indeed privileged to have the title of mummy and nothing else really matters. x #TheList
Yes I think it’s just nice to reflect sometimes on how much of a privilege it really is to have somebody call you mummy or daddy 🙂
Awww this is so lovely! Thank you for sharing – you are a wonderful mummy and it’s great to remind ourselves of our amazing kids sometimes. Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam, apologies for the late comment this week! xx
Thank you, Bridie! Sometimes in the rush of life, we can forget to appreciate the little moments, so I just wanted to take a bit of time out to do that 🙂 I love that my blog allows me to reflect on stuff like this. L
[…] is wonderful but it can also produce some cringingly-awkward moments! I’ve written a list of some of my […]
Ah, such a lovely post. It is hard sometimes in the midst of a mad day when the children are playing up to remember that we are so very blessed x
Life can be so busy sometimes, and it’s nice to be able to step back every now and then and take time to really appreciate it all. Thank you for commenting, Sarah. L
Awww… lovely. It’s wonderful to take to time to put down in words how much we love our little ones 🙂 #sharingthebloglove
Yes I really enjoyed taking the time out to write a list like this. I’m glad you liked it too. Thanks for commenting. L
This is really lovely post, we are all so blessed to be parents and I think we should always remember this! #SharingTheBlogLove
Thank you, Louise. It’s nice to celebrate the wonderful things about being a parent, isn’t it.
This is so beautiful! I need to remember this when they are driving me up the wall! #SharingtheBlogLove
This is such a beautiful post, brought tears to my eyes x
Beautiful. It’s so important to notice the little things. #SharingTheBlogLove
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