That Awkward Moment When… the parents’ edition
Parenting is wonderful but it can also produce some cringingly-awkward moments! I’ve written a list of some of my awkward moments so you can reassure me that I’m not the only parenting disaster to give you a bit of a giggle.
Awkward Parenting Moments
That awkward moment when
1) You excitedly point out a cow, only to realise you’re in the car with adults, not your kids
2) You get to work and find that the kids actually didn’t eat all their breakfast. In fact, they left a nice big splodge of it on your beautiful white blouse
3) Your 5yo daughter insists on having the same hairstyle as you
4) Your baby is screaming down the restaurant so you shove a spoonful of food in her mouth to shut her up. The next moment, the table is covered in vomit, as well as yourself, your baby, the lady on the next table, and the poor waiter who was walking past at the time
5) You realise you’re the only parent in the entire school who forgot it was non-uniform day
6) The “Nutella or Poo?” gamble doesn’t pay off
7) You need to write a note to the teacher but the only piece of paper available is your Morrison’s receipt. Plus you don’t fancy the teacher knowing you bought 12 bottles of wine last week!
8) You come out of an important meeting and your colleague finally tells you you’ve been sporting a Finding Dory sticker on your elbow all morning
9) Your friend puts a reminder on Facebook that the clocks go back so you duly alter all your devices, only to wake up in the morning remembering that your friend is Australian and school started 10 minutes ago
10) You take your toddler to the shopping centre toilets and she asks if you’ve finished yet or whether you’re still doing a poo
11) Your child decides to reveal her newest trick to the world… getting undressed
12) The receptionist at the doctors asks for your child’s date of birth and you totally blank – what?? There are like a million birthdays that a mum needs to remember … (that reminds me – did I post that card to Great Aunty Ethel?…)
13) You buy a very ugly-looking Incredible Hulk mask for your little one to take to James’s birthday party, only to discover that “James” is, in fact “Jaymes” (a girl!)
14) You take your beautiful new baby to meet your work colleagues and she poos on the boss’s desk
15) Your child takes your tampons into school for show and tell. – There. Are. No. Words. How did she even get hold of them?!
16) You give a friend a lift in your car, and don’t realise, until they point out, that you’re listening to Mr Tumble’s Greatest Hits… and singing along at full volume
What awkward moments would you add to the list?
P.S. I’ve just set up a Lucy At Home facebook page so if you could spare 30secs to give it a like, it would make me SUPER happy! or search @lucyathomeblog
Oh my word these are priceless!! The show and tell – nooooo! The nutella – nooooo! Oh I could go on! Thank you for making me giggle! #FamilyFun
Oh the show and tell makes me blush just thinking about it. I remember my cousin once took his mum’s false teeth into school for show and tell. She was hunting high and low for them! Haha. So funny!
These are brill! My awkward moment would be paying for a bottle of wine at my corner shop and as I’m getting ready to walk out saying “come on then off we pop” only to remember the baby is not with me he’s at his nannies! Clearly the man in the corner shop thinks I’m some crazy lady who talks to her wine! #bloggerclubuk
Oh no! That really made me giggle (and I just relayed the story to my hubby!) – I can totally imagine doing that myself! Hehe brilliant!
Ha ha…I am sure there would be many I do not have track of. But thanks for sharing this. I reminds me to jot down my awkward moments. HAd a good laugh #FamilyFun
Hehe I’m glad you enjoyed it. We have to laugh at ourselves, don’t we!
Oh, my God! I laughed so hard I’m almost crying:))) The cow wins;)
Hehe oh good! Oh the number of times I’ve done the cow thing (or a tractor or a helicopter or whatever it happens to be!) It’s so embarrassing because you launch into it with such gusto, before noticing how ridiculous you look! Oops!
Hahaha I love this! What is the fascination with tampons! Thankfully mine hasn’t taken them off to show and tell yet but she always asks if “she can do it”. My god. Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x
Pahaha! So funny!
Oh my goodness, number 6 made me chuckle and number 15 made me cry! Tampons at school. Eeek.
Can totally relate to no 2 except in my case I’d been at work for 90mins and 10 minutes into a conversation with a colleague realise my daughter had wiped her runny nose ALL OVER MY CARDIGAN. Oh the shame. It had to be a childless male colleague too. (He looked bemused as I started ranting at my shoulder and attacking the mark with an antibacterial wipe!) #FamilyFun
Oh no – why does it always happen in front of people who don’t have kids? Or those perfect parents who never seem to fall foul of this little incidents? Why??? Hahaha. L
Umm… What is the Nutella poo game? Haha these are great, I turned up to Halloween themed baby group party failing to put my kids in fancy dress – the shame, I was that mum! Thanks for linking up at #famikyfun lovey xx
When you think there is Nutella on the sofa, but it turns out to be poo! Uh oh!
Oh you feel so guilty when you forget something like that, don’t you. Oops!
I think I would have to actively encourage my baby to poo on my ex bosses desk. That is funny! Brilliant list and I am sure I will get some great moments when my son gets older too! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun
Oh dear – was it that bad??! Thanks for leaving a comment, Karen. L
I love this post. My 19 month old likes to put her hand down my top. On several occasions I haven’t realised that I am walking around with one boob (covered by a mum bra) poking out and I have no idea how long it has been like that for!!
Oh yes I’ve been there – my youngest was always doing that when she was a baby. And, like you say, it’s that moment of realisation where you think, “How long has it been like this??”
Brilliant list, this has given me a giggle. Except I have thankfully been spared the Mr Tumble album – our album of choice is Andy and the Odd Socks! #TheListLinky #FamilyFun
Ooh we’ve not come across Andy and the Odd Socks. I shall keep an eye out for it! 😉
Haha, so much fun. I have definitely done a few of these! #TheList
These are brilliant. Kids are such naturals at knowing how to embarrass parents. I particularly like the Dory sticker one and the one about pointing out the cows 🙂
Thanks for linking up to #BloggerClubUK
HA Ha Ha I had such a hearty laugh reading these awkward but oh so relatable moments. Thankfully, I haven’t had too many of these yet, kids being too little to be able to talk and all, but I am going to be there soon. These are truly hilarious. How did you even remember them to make this list? I think I would strategically suffer from amnesia. #familyfun
Unfortunately, some were so embarrassing, they are eternally burned on my mind! Hahaha. Kids are so funny!
I thought I’d heard it all and seen it all but I’ve obviously got a lot more to learn. #FamilyFun
Glad I’m not the only one who forgets the dates of birth 🙂 When my eldest was 6 weeks old I had a blank out when someone asked his name aaarrrggh…
Hahaha oops! I once introduced my best friend of 7 years to someone and completely forgot her name! I think I’m getting old…
Oh this made me laugh. Grea post
These made me laugh! My son has a tendency at the moment when we are in the ladies toilets to either say, very loudly ‘Mummy I’ve done a wee – do you need one?’. Or to say ‘Mummy, why don’t you have a willy like mine?’ I spend my whole time shushing him! Kids are so funny. #thelistlinky
Haha yes this is exactly like us! Or it’s when they (completely innocently but very loudly) ask why the man opposite us on the bus has green hair. Aaargh! Hahaha
Laughing here! Love it all! Mine have been known to use tampons as mini light-sabres! Lol #bigpinklink
Haha brilliant! How very creative! ;-p
This is hilarious! I’d be mortified if my tampons were taken to school! I’ve been there in the restaurant and shoved food in only to get it back over my outfit hah
Hah hah!! Brilliant! Did the tampon one really happen? I can only imagine the teacher’s thoughts!! I always worry that we will miss the non school uniform memo too! I spent a good 10 minutes yelling to my toddler as she charged around the supermarket only to suddenly realise I was calling out her sister’s name!! Whoops!! #bigpinklink
Hehe yes I’ve got 2 girls and they get very cross when I get their names mixed up. Oops!
These are are really funny. A few weeks ago I was taking an X-Ray of a forty year old guy’s abdomen and asked him how long he’d had his tummy ache. He wasn’t amused. #twinklytuesday
At least it isn’t just my child that makes funny comments while I’m on public toilets. Have you had a poo yet mommy, swiftly followed by a good girl is plenty embarrassing! Amy x #TwinklyTuesday
Hehe oh yes we get this on a regular basis! I’m glad I’m not the only one too!
This is just simply hilarious! You had me laughing at number 1 and in hysterics by the end! Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink x
[…] of “I’m a #FamilyFun Number One” badge goes to… Lucy from Lucy at Home for That Awkward Moment When… I couldn’t help but chuckle at Lucy’s post this week. A list of cringe worthy […]
Haha number 6! We’ve all been there… Thank you for linking up to #TheList x
I find stickers all over the place – I’ve even found them on my pants before!! #thelistlinky
Haha I’m always pointing out cows and dogs and tractors when I’m child free. It’s the best part of motherhood getting excited over unimportant objects! Haha #BigPinkLink