Nail The School Run Like A Pro: The School Run Song

Want some tips for nailing the school run? Look somewhere else! No matter how prepared we seem to be, there is always something that goes wrong. This post is a little song about some of the stuff we seem to encounter on a regular basis. It’s to the tune of the Sailor’s Hornpipe.

Click the play icon on this bar to sing along:

The School Run Song

The alarm goes off and I turn and hit the snooze

But on the eigthteenth time, I remember we’ve got school!

Now we’ll never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,

Never, never, never get to school on time!


Go and wake the kids but they won’t get out of bed,

They just roll over and stick a pillow on their heads.

Will we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


Get your vest on. Get your socks on. Do your buttons up.

No you cannot wear your goggles and you can’t dress up.

Can we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


Someone’s wet the bed so I’ll have to wash the sheet

But the machine is full and the house now stinks of pee.

Now we’ll never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,

Never, never, never get to school on time!


Great! The toaster’s bust! And the milk is out of date.

Looks like for breakfast, kids, we’ll be munching After Eights!

Will we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


Get your shoes on. Get your coat on. Do your zipper up.

No you cannot wear my lipstick and you can’t dress up.

Can we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


In the car we get (after twenty-six false starts

Retrieving pumps, bags, shorts, library books now torn apart).

And we’ll never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,

Never, never, never get to school on time!


Chaos central now on the road outside the gate,

And as we charge for class, toddler trips and cuts his face.

Will we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


Get your book bag. Get your rucksack. Pull your trousers up.

No I can’t sing ‘Let It Go’ and no I won’t shut up.

Can we ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,

Ever, ever, ever get to school on time?


Well I spy the teacher now; she’s about to close the door.

A final sprint and they’re not my problem anymore!

Well I never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,

Never, ever, thought we’d get to school on time!


Special thanks to my hubby for singing the school run song for me!



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What It's Really Like On The Morning School Run - it's not easy being a school run mum - the kids just don't understand the concept of time! Haha. This funny parody song about getting to school hits the nail on the head!


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  1. 10

    Amazing…love it when people make their blog posts musical!
    I have to say though it feels a LOOOOONG time since I had to drag anyone out of bed…opposite problem in our house!
    Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub

  2. 14
    Squirmy Popple

    Ha! I find it hard enough to get out of the house to get to nursery on time – I can’t imagine how much harder it will be when the Popple starts school! #ablogginggoodtime

    • 15
      Lucy At Home

      I think it wouldn’t be so bad if you could just do everything for them, but they want to do it themselves and it takes aaaages! And you ask them to do something (e.g. put their socks on) and tick it off in your mind… but then you find them 10mins later, hiding under the bed, bare feet! Aargh! Hahaha.

  3. 20
    An imperfect mum (Catie)

    LOL! Loved it. I had a mum who had had a morning just like this today. I’d like to think I was kind enough to make her morning a bit better. Loved the goggles and dress up, sounds very familiar. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime

    • 23
      Lucy At Home

      Oh yes teeth brushing is a nightmare. I still can’t believe that I have to allocate 15mins to brushing 2 mouths (plus mine) – how does it take so long?? And stains on the uniform – always! Aaargh! It’s like they’re invisible until you step out of the house and then suddenly – bam! Hahaha

  4. 26
    Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Oh this is brilliant! I was singing along all the way and it captures that morning chaos so perfectly. I had to chuckle over the line about the toaster being bust and the milk being out of date so having to eat After Eights for breakfast – glad it’s not just me that has those kind of moments! And glad that somehow you managed to get to school on time after all! #coolmumclub

    • 27
      Lucy At Home

      Desperate times call for desperate measures (plus everyone has an old packet of After Eights left over from Christmas somewhere in their cupboards!) Hahaha. Thanks for your comment, Louise. L

    • 33
      Lucy At Home

      Oooh I can imagine you have to be very strict if you have to catch a train – they don’t wait for you! (I speak from lots and lots of personal experience! haha). Thank you for commenting. L

    • 37
      Lucy At Home

      Glad it’s not just us then! Hehe. Problem is, every time I say to the kids “we’re going to be late”, they now start singing this song at me. “We’ll never, never, never, never….”

  5. 40
    Baby Anon

    Brilliant. I feel your pain but mine’s for the nursery run. I can never work out why it takes so long – mainly I think because daughter decides the best time to sleep in is when we have work/nursery #bigpinklink

    • 43
      Lucy At Home

      I don’t think my kids particularly “do” anything to make us late. Things just seem to happen . For example, this morning we were ready to go in plenty of time, I got the kids seatbelted up, and then we realised Jenny’s coat was not where we expected so I had to dash around the house like a crazy person looking for it! Aaargh! Haha.

  6. 44
    Fiona Cambouropoulos

    That must ring so true for so many! I think one of mine went in with odd shoes yesterday even at age 12 as it was time to go and he couldn’t find a pair. I have no patients for waiting for them now they are old enough. Love your poem, it brought back many primary days for me.

  7. 48

    Haha I absolutely love this! I have yet to experience the school run but I can imagine this would so be the case. And well done hubby for the singing 🙂 #TwinklyTuesdays

  8. 60

    Oh god so many people make the school run seem so stressful I’m really not looking forward to it. We struggle to get out of the house at a reasonable time at the best of times! At least we have two years to get practising eh. Thank you for sharing with us at #familyfun xx

  9. 66
    Siena Says

    Ha ha brilliant! I have a year off from the school run this year as my eldest has just started high school and my youngest doesn’t go to primary until next year. I am so enjoying it, just for now!

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