An Open Letter To My Blog For 2016

Dear Blog,


Thank you for 2016. This time last year, I hadn’t even imagined you. In fact I didn’t even know what a blog really was. And yet now you are as natural to me as breathing.


When I uploaded that first post, just 8 short months ago, I could’ve had no clue what adventures were in store; of the friendships I would make, the empathy I would feel, the confidence I would gain. I thought I was writing to help other people, and yet somehow I’m the one who has benefited.


Having spent 5 years as a stay at home mum, who would’ve thought I’d be tapping out professional emails and hob-nobbing with PR companies?! Thank you, blog, for giving me that opportunity; for reassuring me that I still had a brain, and that I was capable.

Blog Out Of My Comfort Zone

Who would’ve thought that, top of my 2016 Christmas list, would be a tripod?! When I started, Blog, you were just illustrated with stock photos. Then my post on the best things about being a young mum was featured on Little Lullaby and they needed some original images. Suddenly, Lucy the Photographer was born!
2016 blog - first original photo

The first photo I ever used of my own

I definitely need to keep practising but you gave me the push I needed, Blog, to try something new. In fact you constantly push me out of my comfort zone, and I love that!


What about that time when I had to be a model for that contract with Bravissimo? Or when I started campaigning against the Nappy Police in Anglesey? Even Twitter – I didn’t have a Twitter account before I met you, Blog. It definitely took a while to get to grips with it all, but you set me new challenges all the time.
2016 blog review - modelling for Bravissimo

Modelling for my favourite clothing brand – Bravissimo!

And I am learning that I can rise to a challenge.

Confidence And Space

And Blog, you have given me back some confidence. In the “real” world, I’m quiet. I’m not good at putting my ideas forward, and a lot of people underestimate me. Here, in this little space we’ve created together, I have the freedom to express myself. And, better still, people seem to like what they read. My thoughts and opinions matter to them. That has given me the confidence to push myself forward more in my everyday life. I see that I do have something to contribute; something unique and valid, that others find useful.


You’ve also given me a place where I can reflect. A sort of therapy, I guess. Life is busy, rushing from A to B. But when I blog, I have chance to sit down and process how I’m feeling. I remember writing about the end of Reception Class through an onslaught of tears and confessing some of deepest fears when I wrote that letter to my grown up children. Blog, you allowed me to tell others how I was feeling, and for them to reassure me.

Happy Days

We also had a bit of fun, didn’t we. Do you remember the song we wrote about trying to get the kids to school on time? And the fab stories that have been featured in our guest blogger series, Bloggers Bluff? Oh and we loved designing cupcakes, didn’t we.
farm animal buns blog 2016

We had fun designing and making these easy cupcakes

New Friends

You’ve introduced me to so many wonderful new people, Blog. I know it’s fatal to list people because I’m bound to miss someone, but, as a flavour…
  • Hayley gave me the encouragement I needed to pitch to that first brand
  • Vicki has inspired me to reach for the stars, and yet to still make time for everyone
  • Wendy has been constant and loyal – one of the first blogs I subscribed to
  • Bridie gave me the confidence to believe in my blog by always leaving such lovely comments
And all of these people were unknown to me before. It is thanks to you, Blog. You have shown me that the world is full of lovely people, if you know where to look.
Dear Blog 2016
Yes I’m 8 months in, but I still do a little jig every time someone subscribes. It feels like such an honour. I’ve earned someone’s trust enough that they’ve signed up to be notified about the things I write! Like they’re worried that they might miss something. That is almost too much to comprehend! How did we get here, Blog? We’re just a regular mummy and her little hobby.


But I’m glad we’re in it together. 2016 has been all-the-better because you were around. I know we’ve had our disagreements but we’ve worked it out. It’s hard trying to keep everything balanced but I can see now that you aren’t the time-guzzling monster that I once thought you were. You give back what I put in – you support me and reward me and encourage me. My life is enriched by you. And because of that, I am able to be more to those around me.


Thank you, Blog. 2016 has been a great year for us. Here’s to many more x

Brilliant blog posts on

Mr and Mrs T Plus Three
Hot Pink Wellingtons


Add yours
  1. 1

    Thanks for the shout out Lucy and I love your blog. Sounds like you have had a great 8 months and I look forward to reading more of your fab posts next year xx it is amazing how much starting a blog can change your life, I’d be lost without blogging now c

    • 2
      Lucy At Home

      Aaah you’re very kind, Wendy! Yes blogging really has changed my life (which is something I totally didn’t expect when I started!) and I love it. It’s been lovely getting to know you too. L

  2. 3
    Honest Mum

    Oh Lucy, you amazing lady, you’ve made my day today mentioning me (so needed) and congrats on everything you’ve achieved and will go on to achieve. You are a brilliant writer and blogger and I’ve loved getting to know you this year. I relate to everything you write here, it’s so like my own story with blogging-my blog gave me my confidence back, a space just for me to process my feelings and find my voice again. Yay for 2017. Happy New Year x

  3. 5

    I love this Lucy! I genuinely love your blog and would never have known you’re shy. Blogs are incredibly liberating and it’s brilliant to see how much it’s enriched your life. Hurrah and don’t ever stop! X

  4. 7

    This is a fab post. I never thought about writing to the blog. It’s amazing how blogging evolves and the friendships and support we develop on the way. 🙂 #BrilliantBlogPosts

    • 9
      Lucy At Home

      It’s amazing how the time flies – I can’t believe 8 months have passed already. But at the same time, I can’t imagine my life without blogging anymore! Good luck with your blogging journey too. L

    • 11
      Lucy At Home

      Wow I thought you’d been blogging for much longer than me! But yes I’ve loved how much confidence I’ve gained from blogging. It’s not what I’d envisaged at all, but definitely an added bonus. L

  5. 12
    Tessa @ Grumpy Mum Reviews

    What a lovely post, I’m so glad that blogging has been such a positive experience for you 🙂 I’m now 2 months into my own blogging journey and my experience has been similar. It really does change your life and your perspective so much! Good luck for 2017 I hope it’s just as amazing! #brillblogposts

  6. 14
    Mackenzie Glanville

    Oh what an uplifting post. I was so much like you I’d never heard of blogging and then suddenly I was writing one! Funny how our lives surprise us! You have done amazing and to be modelling is fab! Well done! #sharingthebloglove

    • 15
      Lucy At Home

      It is funny how these things come about. I never do anything spontaneously, and yet somehow I just decided to jump in with both feet when it came to blogging. I still can’t quite believe it myself. But I’m so very glad that I did. Thank you for commenting.

    • 19
      Lucy At Home

      I’m not really one to step out of my comfort zone very often, but my blog has shown me that it’s not so dreadful out there, and that actually, good things can happen when you’re brave and push yourself.

    • 24
      Lucy At Home

      Blogging really is exciting, Kimberley! I had no idea of the opportunities that would open up when I sat at my lap top and tapped out that first post! I wish you lots of luck with your blog. Thank you for commenting. L

  7. 25

    This is such a lovely post! Look at how far you’ve come in just 8 little months. Amazing! And you’re definitely sharing the blog love with others and I appreciate the comments you’ve left on my little old blog in the past. I was so unprepared for the community spirit and friendships I’ve made through blogging. I’m totally hooked now! #SharingtheBlogLove

    • 26
      Lucy At Home

      Yup I’m hooked too. You’re very welcome re: the comments on your blog. Having NEVER read a blog before starting my own, I love browsing through other people’s writings now. It’s funny how things change. L

  8. 27
    Selena, The Rambler

    Absolutely loved this letter to your blog! I related to how you said in the real world, people may underestimate us. My blog gives me a confidence booster for sure to know my ideas are ok/good/great =) I’m sure your blog is just as happy with you as you are with it (xoxo) #SharingTheBlogLove

  9. 29
    Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    Congratulations on everything you and your blog have achieved in 2016! I can relate to so much of this – I’m pretty quiet in real life too and my blog is my outlet, my therapy, my creative space to do whatever I want with. I’m really looking forward to seeing where your blog takes you in 2017! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • 33
      Lucy At Home

      Yup and it was totally unexpected. I never imagined it would be like this. I feel like I fell into this blogging business almost by mistake, and yet it’s made sucha big difference to my life. Love it!

  10. 34
    Lucy At Home

    Ah thank you, Angela. I never expected blogging to become such a big part of my life but I can’t imagine being without it now! And you’re right – the friendships and support is such a great part of it too. L

  11. 36

    Sounds like starting a blog has been a fantastic experience for you Lucy, I’m also quite new to blogging and still have a lot to learn. It’s really helped my confidence too, though:) I hope you continue to enjoy lots of blogging adventures throughout 2017 and beyond:)

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