Tag39 Intentional Words To Make This Year Your BEST YET!
I’m rubbish at New Years resolutions! I’m rubbish at making them, and I’m rubbish at keeping them. But a few years ago, I came across the…
My Name Is Lucy And I Am A Middle Class Fraud
I’m middle class. Or at least that’s what you’d think if you met me. I am well-educated, live in a nice area, enjoy eating out at restaur…
An Open Letter To My Blog For 2016
Thank you for 2016. This time last year, I hadn’t even imagined you. In fact I didn’t even know what a blog really was. An…
Full Time Mum vs. Blogger
I am a full time, stay at home mummy. As of about 2 months ago, I am also a blogger. And herein is the dilemma! I am beginning to wonder …