Bloggers Bluff #13: This Is Me Now

Eeee it’s been a long break since our last Bloggers Bluff! I hope you all had a Jollytastic Christmas and a Merryful New Year! It’s great to have you back (and a great big welcome to any newbies too!) xxx

Bloggers Bluff is a guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring This Is Me Now.

The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us three unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true. One will be completely made up! 

Over the Christmas break, Susie and I both published posts about the new-found confidence we had gained from blogging, and we realised how alike we are. Reading Susie’s post, it was like somebody had written down exactly how I felt about blogging, with all my joys and fears. I’m so excited to be welcoming her to Lucy At Home, this week, as we kick off the 2017 Bloggers Bluff series!

Last Week’s Reveal

But before we get to Susie, cast your minds back to the pre-Christmas Bloggers Bluff which featured Talya from Motherhood: The Real Deal. There were lots of guesses but I can now reveal that her fib was:

Bloggers Bluff B: Being invited back to Russell Brand’s hotel room!

This Week

Anyway, as I was saying, this week, I am joined by Susie who blogs over at This Is Me Now.

Bloggers Bluff Susie This Is Me Now

Let’s find a little bit more about her…

How long have you been blogging, Susie?

Just over 6 months. My first post went live at the end of June 2016.

What’s the best thing about blogging?

As a SAHM, blogging has given me something for me again. As much as I love being a mum, and it was my decision to stop working to be at home, it can feel relentless and boring at times.

Blogging is exciting, interesting and challenging, which I love!

Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.

This Is Me Now is about how I’m adjusting to being a SAHM. I write about my family life in Norfolk, from days out to our favourite foodie places. I also rant/moan/beg for answers about any parenting struggles and record those ‘aww’ moments along the way.

What’s your best piece of blogging advice?

Don’t get bogged down in stats; it will only depress you in the beginning! Everyone says write for yourself, so I’m trying to remember that.

This Is Me Now

If you’d like to know more, here are the details for This Is Me Now:


Twitter @susie_hawes

Facebook Susie Hawes at This Is Me Now

Instagram @susiehawes

Bloggers Bluff

I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email.

Now let’s get down to business! Here are Susie’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions:

Bloggers Bluff A

When I was 13, I went on a German exchange at school. One day, we went to a farm with our exchange students’ school class. For some weird reason, they wanted a volunteer to sit on a massive cow.

So I offered.

And for years and years and YEARS, whenever anyone said anything about cows, I’d say, “I’ve sat on a cow before” (and, “they’re really bony, you know!” depending on their level of interest). I think I thought I was cool.

It only took until university for me to realise this was, in fact, just a bit weird, and so I’ve stopped telling everyone… until now!

Bloggers Bluff Susie Hawes This Is Me Now

Bloggers Bluff B

After university, I worked as a broadcast journalist for local radio and used to read bulletins live on air. We all got tongue-tied occasionally and made the bloopers tape.

One of my classics was accidentally calling Harry Redknapp “Harry Red-crap“.

I was so scared I was going to get fired! Luckily no one noticed other than the DJ!

Bloggers Bluff C

I was helping an old colleague who was doing some catering for a wealthy family in North Norfolk. I was in the kitchen unpacking when who walked in?

Prince Harry!

He had a beard as he’d just got back from Antarctica. I did a double take and was star-struck to say the least. We were introduced by the owner of the house who said, “Oh this is Harry” and I said, “Yes, I know who you are!”

I cringe looking back on it!

So peeps, it’s over to you; which is the bluff??

Find out in the next edition of Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out?


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  1. 2

    Being a Norfolk girl myself I well believe C to be true as something similar happened to a catering friend of mine and both Prince’s helped her carry things through to the kitchen. I’m going to go with it being bluff B. #coolmumclub

  2. 6

    Lol the gig is up! I am pleased to say I have never had any sort of exchange with Russell Brand – phew! I’m guessing C for this week! Thanks for linking this up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo

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