I’m a stay at home mummy

I’m a stay at home mummy. By choice.

The range of responses I get to this statement is incredible; surprise, congratulations, pity, admiration, confusion.

Stay At Home Devotion

I know it’s noStay at home mummyt the trendy option these days, but I can’t help it – the minute I found out I was pregnant, I was determined to be a full-time, 100% there, totally devoted mummy.

I believe children are one of the most precious gifts one can receive and there’s no way I’m going to miss out on any of it!

Stay At Home Responsibility

Being a mummy is my greatest responsibility – I have been tasked with raising the next generation, helping them to form a moral code, guiding them through their most informative years, picking them up when they fall and encouraging them to keep fighting. Their experiences today will directly impact the people they become tomorrow (physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially).

This is not a job to be delegated – there are lives at stake here! The lives of my children – my own flesh and blood!

A lot of people seem to think I’m ‘just cut out for it’. I think there is an element of that, but it has not felt as natural as I had expected it would. I have questioned my suitability on so many occasions. I worry that I’m not doing a good enough job. I wonder if I am too strict…or not strict enough.

Stay At Home Honour

But I love the privilege of being with my 2 precious children every day. They make me laugh. They inspire me. They help me to see the wonder in the world. They give me a reason to improve myself. They give me hope for my tomorrows. They better my todays.

So I press on with my task. I am committed – to my children, to the role, to my principles – and I am going to throw everything I’ve got at this!


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  1. 1
    Full Time Mum vs. Blogger — Lucy At Home

    […] I am ashamed to confess that I am playing with my children and simultaneously wondering how I could interpret this moment in a blog post. I regret that I have paused storytime because I’ve just had inspiration for a tweet. I hate that I am not the fully devoted, 100% there mummy that I was in post number 1. […]

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