You Might Be Different But That’s OK

I’ve always been different to the people around me; different interests, different age, different opinions, different lifestyle, different priorities.

As a young mummy and as a stay at home mummy, I find myself bucking the trends again.

Usually I don’t mind, but sometimes I question why I’ve come to different conclusions and made different life choices to everyone else. Am I doing the right thing? Did I miss the memo that everyone else got? Am I doing ‘it’ wrong?

The Lightbulb Moment

But I had a lightbulb moment whilst writing this post about mummies being world-changers:

The best stories are about people who are different.

Stories about everyone doing exactly what everyone else is doing would be boring. But a main character who challenges norms or questions rules or behaves radically sparks our interest. In fictional and historical stories, it is ‘different’ characters that have become heroes, trailblazers and redeemers.

Being different doesn’t necessarily mean being wrong. It means holding true to yourself. In some situations, it can even mean being the catalyst for bringing about change in others.

So I’ve decided to write a list of 10 of my favourite ‘different’ stories (some true, some fiction). Oh and apologies for the heavy Disney bias here – it’s pretty much the only genre of film I get to watch these days!

Great Stories About People Who Were Different

A Bugs Life

The ants were too scared to stand up to the grasshoppers because they were so big, but Flick inspired the ants to all work together to win back their freedom.


Schindler’s List

The German businessman, Oskar Schindler, saved over a thousand Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.



Despite being treated like a servant by everyone around her, Cinderella was always kind and generous, believing that that was the right thing to do.


The Gruffalo

When the little mouse is about to be eaten, instead of surrendering to the bigger animals, he uses his quick mind to outwit them.

different gruffalo soft toys

The little mouse outwits the bigger, stronger animals in The Gruffalo

The Little Mermaid

Ariel (mermaid) and Eric (human) saw past each others’ race differences and fell in love (even though Ariel’s father forbade her to speak to humans).



The Big Friendly Giant believes so adamantly that eating children is wrong (thank goodness!) that he lives off foul tasting Snozzcumbers instead of hunting with the other giants.


Romeo and Juliet

(Get me being all high-brow!) Obviously this story doesn’t end well for the two main characters, but because of Romeo and Juliet’s love, their warring families end their feud.



When this patchwork elephant paints himself grey like all the other elephants, the herd is miserable – they want him to be his funny, different self.



In the days of the colonists, this brave Native American girl kept the peace between her people and the English invaders almost single-handedly.


How To Train Your Dragon

Hiccup the Viking just can’t bring himself to kill dragons, even though the rest of his village see them as a menace. But by spending time with one, he realises dragons and Vikings can work together.


So that’s my little list. Do you ever feel at odds with those around you? Do you have any favourite stories about people who were different?


P.S. I’ve just set up a Lucy At Home facebook page so if you could spare 30secs to give it a like, it would make me SUPER happy! or search @lucyathomeblog


Diary of an imperfect mum

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  1. 1
    Squirmy Popple

    Yup, I totally get the different thing. I’ve always felt like my sense of humour of point of view is a bit different, which is probably why I’ll never be one of the ‘big’ bloggers – but normal is boring, right? Give me a story about a weirdo any day. #ablogginggoodtime

  2. 3

    I think a lot of people who write feel this way and writing and blogging helps connect with like minded people – thank goodness! I love this look at those stories where the one who is different wins – so uplifting so thank you lovely! #ablogginggoodtime

  3. 11

    #ablogginggoodtime love a Disney mention. It’s interesting in a classroom dynamic, some seek different – maybe you were one of those people, but as I’ve grown I don’t see differences, I see individual and that’s so good for the soul. One day I’m going to be a mermaid, I’m just waiting for the technology.

  4. 14
    Mindful Mummy Mission

    This is a really lovely post – so good to remind us all it’s GOOD to be different and to remind us to remind our kids too (especially through v interesting imaginary characters). Thanks for sharing x #ablogginggoodtime. x

  5. 18

    You’re so right! And I think those books are such a good message for our children.. I’d love for my children to be different from others! I always tried too hard to fit in and wish I didn’t waste all that time! #pocolo

    • 19
      Lucy At Home

      It’s hard work trying to fit in with everybody else, but it’s can be lonely being different. It’s a difficult one. But I just took some comfort from the idea that lots of stories celebrate being different. Thank you for leaving a comment, Amy. L

  6. 26

    Yes to being different! I’ve always felt I didn’t quite fit in properly, and I’ve never been one to try and make myself less different just to fit it. I guess yes to being the same too, if that’s what you want to be! Some great examples, and you are right all of the best stories feature someone who dares to be different and do their own thing! #ablogginggoodtime

  7. 28
    Jo (Mother of Teenagers)

    Different is good. My daughter tells me that nearly everyday because she is just that little bit quirky. She is not a conformist and loves to buck the trend of normality. It’s great that you are flying the flag for being that bit different. #ablogginggoodtime

  8. 30
    An imperfect mum (Catie)

    What a great post! Having a child who is different this spoke to me. I have always been ‘individual’ in that I walked my own path and never felt the need to follow the crowd. I love your choice of stories and my favourite has to be How to train your dragon, I love the second one best! The film inside out is brilliant too! #POCOLO

  9. 32
    Mummy Times Two

    I love this post so much. As a teacher of students with Autism, many of who feel their difference acutely, I tell them regularly that ‘normal’ is boring. I will be using your story examples with them. Thank you for writing this post x

    • 33
      Lucy At Home

      Oooh good I’m glad you liked it. I think society puts so much emphasis on ‘fitting in’, but so many amazing people throughout history were amazing because they were different and didn’t just go with the flow. I hope your students appreciate these examples. L

  10. 34
    five little doves

    I love this! I think when I was younger I spent my whole life trying to fit in and be the same, knowing deep down that I was very different. When I reached 18 I struggled massively with the fact that I DID feel different and it was quite an isolating time. These days I’m proud of being different, because quite honestly, who wants to be the same? My children are all very different characters and I encourage them to keep their little quirks, and their flaws, as they are what make them stand out. #PoCoLo

  11. 36
    Lins @ Boo & Maddie

    Ahh I’m a big believer in being different and hate the idea of people being like lemmings but put it down to my star sign – Aquarius is the sign of those who like to be independent and do their own thing! Your list is the best and such a great mix 🙂 X #PoCoLo

  12. 38
    Alana - Burnished Chaos

    The world be an extremely dull and boring place if everyone was the same, I tell my son that all the time, it’s important to be true to yourself. And I love How to Train Your Dragon! Zootopia is another good one, all about defying conventions and being who/what you want to be.

  13. 42

    Love this post, because it is so true. If everyone was the same in stories it wouldn’t be so much fun would it? Thanks too for the Disney precis 🙂 And for linking to #PoCoLo – have just popped over to give your FB page a like too x

  14. 45

    I love how you used fiction as examples of how being different can be a good thing. I spent many years feeling different in a bad way and being a love me or hate me kind of gal. But by being me I have a great group of friends and an amazing husband.
    Keep being you, own it!

    • 48
      Lucy At Home

      It’s great when you can be confident about being different. I think as a teenager, I found it quite easy to be different, now as a mummy, I do long for some other mummy friends that I can properly relate to. Thanks for commenting. L

  15. 49

    How appropriate that I should read this today! This is a lovely list of stories, and (although mostly fictional) shows how being different is the best! I only recently read Elmer for the first time and it has instantly become one of my all time favourites! I really think that differences should be celebrated, it is our differences that make us the people that we are! #FamilyFun

    • 50
      Lucy At Home

      Yes we can’t all be the same – being different is what makes us people because it means we can form opinions and ideas. I love the Elmer stories. I remember being in a play about Elmer when I was in primary school!

  16. 55

    I love this, being different is what makes us. It would of course be very dull if we were all the same. I love so many of these stories and can’t wait for my kids to be able to appreciate them too. Thanks for sharing this with us at #familyfun xx

  17. 57
    Morgan Prince

    Love this! I have never been like my friends or family, sometimes that gets me down but it’s time to realise that I am ME! You’re so right – those who are different can change things! 🙂
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  18. 60
    Mummy and the Mexicans

    I often feel I don’t fit in – as a teenager very acutely, and now as a foreigner too, but I think it’s more to do with my personality. I find it hard to feel confident about being myself. But everybody’s different, maybe no one is normal, they just pretend to be! It’s true that the best heroes and role models are always a bit different to everyone else. #TheListLinky

    • 61
      Lucy At Home

      Yes it must be hard living in a different country. It seems like lots of people have been able to relate to this post so maybe you’re right – maybe we all feel like we don’t quite fit in. There’s actually a weird sense of comfort in that too – that I’m not the only one! Thanks for your comment. L

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