66 Things To Do Before You’re Six

Turning six is a big milestone! By the time you’re six, you can run and jump and chatter away about all the things that you love. You’re learning to read and write, and you can chop your own food up at meal times. You don’t need help getting on the toilet anymore and you can easily get yourself dressed.

Yes, in the words of the fabulous A.A.Milne:


“Now I am six,

I’m as clever as clever,

So I think I’ll be six

now and forever.”

A. A. Milne


So if you (or perhaps a little person in your house) is approaching this magnificent age of enlightenment and knowledge, I’ve made a list of 66 things to help you on your way!

66 things to do before you’re six

1. Build a den

2. Plant a flower

3. Make a fruit crumble

4. Have your face painted

5. Fly a kite

6. Go swimming

7. Play with Playdoh

8. Watch a Disney film

9. Do some charity work

10. Decorate some buns 

farm animal buns six year old 6

11. Ride a donkey

12. Visit a farm

13. Play pass the parcel

14. Learn a nursery rhyme

15. Wash the car

16. Make a scarecrow

17. Ride on a train

18. Go on a bus journey

19. Wrap a birthday present

20. Visit a castle

North Wales Caernarfon Castle activities for six year olds

21. Ride on a merry-go-round

22. Feed a lamb

23. Slide down a hill on a sledge

24. Go on a bug safari

25. Dress up

26. Make your own ice cream sundae

27. Post a handwritten letter (or picture)

28. Do the hokey cokey

29. Buy some pick and mix

30. Build a bonfire


bonfire things to do with a six year old

31. Eat some candy floss

32. Learn to catch a ball

33. Go to the cinema

34. Roast some marshmallows on a fire

35. Build a sand castle

36. Do a forwards roll

37. Jump on a bouncy castle

38. Visit a museum 

39. Make a sandwich

40. Build a snowman


build a snowman things to do with a six year old

41. Paddle in the sea

42. Play a board game

43. Feed the ducks

44. Learn to cross the road

45. Ride a bike

46. Play on the swings

47. Build a junk model

48. Go ice skating

49. Climb to the top of the climbing frame

50. Watch a sporting event at a stadium

66 Things To Do Before You're Six - Stadium Sport Wimbledon


51. Play shops

52. Learn a phrase from another language

53. Go on a muddy welly walk

54. Roll down a grassy hill

55. Play hopscotch

56. Build a wigwam out of sticks

57. Go on a treasure hunt

58. Have a tickle fight

59. Build a tower

60. Visit Santa 


visit Santa six year old things to do


61. Have a water fight

62. Start a collection

63. Sleep in a tent

64. Play a team game

65. Perform on stage

66. Pick your own fruit 


blackberry picking six year old acitivities


Pinterest 66 Things to do before you're six

Blog Crush linky on lucyathome.co.uk


Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com




Add yours
  1. 10
    Lisa Pomerantz

    What an amazing list… And I see I still have some work to do with my little! Ride a donkey, build a scarecrow, ride a bike… We just got bikes, so hopefully that will happen soon. I see some big events in our future Lucy! TY! #blogcrush

  2. 12

    I might have to make this 66 things to do before I’m 40! I still barely know any nursery rhymes, for ages I thought Miss Molly’s doll was dead…..#blogcrush

  3. 14
    Rhyming with Wine

    Love this and it’s full of inspiration. We’ve ticked off a fair few but we’ve stilL got plenty to keep us out of mischief before Miss Tot is 6! Bug safarI is one of our current faves… on the way to fading the ducks naturally! Love the AA Milne quote xx #blogcrush

  4. 29

    What a lovely post – my daughter is almost 4 so we have some time to get cracking on this list! So many lovely ideas here thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo

  5. 31
    Amanda Blackburn

    Great list. So many things to do. So many ideas.
    I use a check list like this as I am a childminder, we write the date completed and take a photo for memories.

  6. 43
    Baby Isabella

    What a great list! I’m proud to say at the age of four I have done a lot of these things already….abit not very well 😉 making a sandwich always ends up butchering the bread! #sharingthebloglove x

  7. 46

    A lovely list and such a great idea! My kids are all about being 5, everything happens when you are 5 apparently 🙂 x #sharingthebloglove

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