We’re Going On A Blackberry Hunt

Today we went blackberry picking.

There’s something about foraging for blackberries that just brings me to life. Maybe it’s being out in the crisp, Yorkshire air. Maybe it’s scrambling up the fresh, green hills. Maybe it’s the memories of doing this exact same thing as a child.

Whatever it is, I highly recommend it to anyone who’s never tried.


Juicy blackberries!

Blackberry Picking Essentials

There’s a few things you’ll need before you can start.

  1. Some blackberry bushes!

Blackberry bushes are like Conker Trees – you just have to keep your eyes out through the year for a good patch.

  1. Plastic tubs

You’ll need something to pop your treasure in. The juice can stain so use old tubs if possible.

  1. Wet wipes

Blackberry juice is bright pink! Your hands (and probably everything else) will get covered in it.

blackberry tub

Collect your blackberries in an old tub

The Best Spot In West Yorkshire

Now if you’re lucky enough to live in my beloved Yorkshire, I’m about to share a big secret with you! The absolute best blackberry picking spot you’ll ever find is in a little village called Briestfield in West Yorkshire.


Blackberry picking in Briestfield, West Yorkshire

You want to start at WF12 0PB where Briestfield Lane meets Healey Lane. Follow Sowood Lane all the way up the hill. Then head down past Healey Farm, and out onto the main road via Healey Lane. There are blackberry bushes lining the entire 1.2 mile route!

As an added bonus, you’re just a 5 minute drive away from Charlotte’s Ice Cream Parlour! There is a playground, a ride-on train, crazy golf, and of course, ice cream!


The play area at Charlotte’s Ice Cream Parlour

Family Time

Today we were blessed with really sunny weather. But we’ve been known to go with our coats buttoned up to our ears and our woolly hats on! It’s just nice to spend time as a family.

I’ve been going to that same spot since I was a kid, and have so many fond memories. I want to let my kids experience it and make their own magical memories.

We always compete to collect the most blackberries. It’s a tradition now. I LOVE that we have family traditions! It’s something special that’s just for our family; our own way of doing things.

And today my little 23 month old baby learnt the difference between black and red. By the end of the trip, she was an expert at finding the ripe berries (black) and ignoring the ones that weren’t ready yet (red). What a fun way to learn your colours!


Blackberry picking is a family tradition

Blackberry Picking Time

Anyway, if you fancy having a go yourself, you need to get your skates on! Google reliably informs me that the UK blackberry season is June to October.

Happy picking!

And let me know what you’re going to make. We’re planning a Blackberry and Pear Crumble! Yum!


Cuddle Fairy

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    • 2
      Lucy At Home

      Oooh I’ll look forward to that! I think some primal instinct has caused us to pick enough blackberries to see us through the winter! Haha! And I’m with you – I love anything free! Thanks you for commenting. L

  1. 7

    Ooooh I used to love blackberry picking as a child, I have such fond memories of it. We never did painting with them though fab idea, it was always blackberry and apple crumbles for us, predictable eh xx #marvmondays

  2. 9

    I love that you have been blackberry picking in this same spot for years and it’s become a family tradition. We’ve not done blackberry picking but we enjoy doing strawberry picking in the summer. Have fun making your crumble 🙂 xx #bigpinklink

    • 14
      Lucy At Home

      Oh that sounds fun. I intended to take my girls strawberry picking this summer but when we arrived, it was closed for the season! Oops! Poor planning on my part. It’s one of the reasons I was determined to do blackberry picking.

    • 16
      Lucy At Home

      I love crumble! Perfect ‘warming-up’ food 🙂

      And the ice cream parlour really is lovely – it’s right on top of a hill and you can sit inside and see out for miles! Stunning! Thank you for commenting, L

  3. 21
    Caroline (Becoming a SAHM)

    We ADORE blackberry picking and it is very much a late summer early autumn tradition for us, especially as thee sre blackberry bushes everywhere where we live and we barely have to leave our street without getting a few handfuls, we have had so many already this year it must be a good year for them haha. Good tips though and definitely with the wipes, especially when your toddler likes chomping on them like ours does and getting juice all down her front… 🙂 #whatevertheweatherkids

  4. 25
    Hannah G, The 'Ordinary' Mum

    I love fruit picking, blackberry picking especially always make me think of times spent with my Grandparents when I was little- followed by baking a yummy apple and blackberry crumble with my Mum. This year we took our littles strawberry picking for the first time, I’m now feeling the need for a blackberry hunt very soon 🙂 Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink xx

  5. 30
    My Petit Canard

    This is so lovely, I love making new traditions with my own little family. We used to go blackberry picking with my grandparents when we were little and it was one of my favourite things to every summer. I loved the togetherness of it, and then eating a yummy crumble that my grandma made from them at the end of it. It sounds like a great new tradition to start with your little ones 🙂 Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays. Emily

  6. 34
    Monkey and Mouse

    Oooh, delicious! We love blackberries too, it often helps get the boys to go a little further along the path by pointing out where the next blackberry bush is! I do try to pick some to take home, but they often get eaten before then. Greedy black faced little monkeys! That play area looks fab too btw. Thanks so much for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x

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