30 Reasons Why I Love Being A Young Mum

I’ve just found out that I am officially a young mum. I’ve always known that most of my mummy friends are older than me, but I didn’t realise it was a national trend. According to recent statistics, the average age to have a child is now 30.3 years old.

I have to admit, it’s tough being different, but being a young mum is brilliant and there are lots of benefits for your kids too!

I Love Being A Young Mum

I might be bucking the trend and I totally get why people wait until they’re older (getting on the property ladder, time to focus on education and careers, cost of childcare, etc), but I LOVE being a young mum, and here’s why:

  1. When my kid shouts, “The floor is lava!” on the way home from school, I can jump onto the nearest (low!) wall without a moment’s hesitation
  2. My metabolism still allows me to eat cake when the kids do
  3. I can demonstrate how to do a handstand or a cartwheel
  4. I can recover from sleepless nights relatively quickly (although those 3am wake up calls are still tough going!)
  5. I’m used to living on a tight budget
  6. I can sit on the floor for hours playing with the building bricks
  7. I’m still an expert on kids films and TV
    Young Mum old toys

    Mummy’s old toys are going for Round 2!

  8. I never got chance to clear out my stuffed toy collection so they’re now serving the next generation
  9. Same again for my Disney film collection!
  10. Tearing round the playground playing ‘Off-Ground Tig’ is totally do-able
  11. My kids’ grandparents are only in their 50s so they’ve got lots of energy to play too
  12. I’ve got time to work out what my loves and skills are before I launch into my serious career
  13. I still love kids food (Chocolate Spread, Candyfloss, IcePops, KFC, Fizzy Pop)
  14. I don’t mind sitting cramped in the back seat for a long car journey to entertain the kids
  15. I can skip home from school
  16. I had MSN as a teenager so I’ve experienced the perks and pitfalls of being a kid with a social media account
  17. I can get up out of the kids little chairs without groaning
  18. I pretend to hate crawling around the Soft Play Centre after my kid, but actually I think it’s quite fun (especially the bumpy slides!)
  19. Both my pregnancies were relatively straightforward
  20. Pizza Hut is still an acceptable date night venue (Nandos for special occasions!)
  21. My house is still a work in progress so if the kids make a mess, it’s no biggy
  22. I am an expert multitasker – we were the generation that grew up watching TV whilst simultaneously googling the actors in said TV programme, and chatting online about what’s going on!
  23. Once my kids are in school, I should (theoretically) have 30-40 years of continuous working life to focus on my career
  24. When I’m late for school pick-up, I can still sprint up the big hill
  25. Bouncing on the trampoline is as much my idea of fun as it is the kids’Young Mum Girl Spinning
  26. I still love going on the rides at the fair (especially the Dodgems!)
  27. I don’t feel like I have to have all the answers (parenting or otherwise) – life is still about learning
  28. I am a whizz at scouring the internet for deals and discounts on kids clothes and toys
  29. I’ve got the energy to bounce around and join in the kids’ chaotic, playful, busy lives
  30. It’s not so long since I was in school so I can (sort of) remember how to do algebra and what the letters on the Periodical Table stand for

Young Mum Drinking Coffee

Thank You To The *whispers* Older Mums

Yes I love being a young mum, and it’s certainly not the giant mistake that some people paint it to be.

But I’m also glad that everyone is different, and makes different choices. I am so very grateful to my older friends who advise me, and nurture me, and are patient with me when my immaturity shows. I appreciate the way that you treat me as an equal, even though I have so much less experience than you. I feel blessed to have you as role models and to be able to discuss all things mummy with you. I am touched when you offer to take me and my kids out for the day because you know that we are not as well off as you are.

In fact, Mummies of all ages – we’re pretty brilliant, aren’t we?!

Dear Bear and Beany
Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Post Comment Love

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  1. 1

    I love this, and can relate to all of it! I don’t consider myself a particularly young mum, but I am about 10 years younger than all of my mum friends who live close by. Looking at them I sometimes wish I had waited to get a career going properly and waited until we had bought bought a house etc, but this is a good reminder of the reasons that I always wanted children while I was young! The fact that the grandparents are still just in their 50s is very important – they are very useful, energetic babysitters; though they do still work full time so that is a downside! #sharingthebloglove

  2. 3

    I love this post and I love the picture – beautiful. I had my first when I was 29 so i guess am I am at the average age although many of my friends are starting to have them now so I guess I was quite young next to my peers. #sharingthebloglove

  3. 5
    Angela Watling

    There are some definite advantages to being young. I was 32 when my daughter was born and I definitely don’t leap on to walls. But you’re probably giving those slightly older Mums too much credit by saying we have forgotten about Kids Films and don’t eat kid food. Although you’re right about the metabolism…who thought things would decline so rapidly from your late 20s?! 😉


  4. 7
    Coffee & Bubbles

    I guess I’m a young mum too. I had my boy when I was 28. I’m fortunate too that my parents are still in their 50’s and are superb entertainers / child minders. Your number 23 is quite depressing though and I’ve never been graced with a half decent metabolism but I am really good at pretending the floor is lava! #stayclassymama

  5. 9

    ‘In fact, Mummies of all ages – we’re pretty brilliant, aren’t we?!’ this says it all really and it would be boring if we were all the same – we learn so much from each other – it’s fab. I started my family at 25 so it’s lovely now to have children who are bigger than me and I’m only early 40s xx #StayClassyMama

  6. 11

    Oh I’m feeling old now! I was 30.3 having my first daughter – Jeez I’m a statistic! although I’m fairly young at heart to pull off most of the things on your list too 😀 #mg

  7. 14
    Lisa Pomerantz

    Yes, we are all brilliant. I’m different in the fact that I am an older mom. My Mrs., she had the babies and is 11 years my junior…I’m 53 with an 8.5 and an almost 6 year old. It’s sometimes very hard when everyone around is in their 30’s, and sometimes I could care less. But we are all brilliant, as you said! M’wah! #stayclassymama

  8. 16
    Mrs O - Candid Cake Club

    Hi Lucy. I was drawn to your post title because I’m an old(er) Mum (42 now, 39 when I had my little girl) Thought it’d be an amusing comparison reading your take on things 🙂 I often think there’s no way in hell I’d have coped with being a mum at a younger age. Only now in my 40’s do I feel like I have the focus and the patience. I really envy the fact that your girls have ‘younger’ grandparents though. And I hate you a teeny bit for your ability to metabolise cake so easily hahaha. Thanks for sharing the post. Look forward to reading more from you x #sharingthebloglove

    • 17
      Lucy At Home

      Hehe this comment made me giggle! I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I’m glad you are enjoying being an old(er) mum. It’s great to have lots of different mums who can all share ideas together. It’s one of the things I love about blogging. Thank you for your comment. L

  9. 18
    Lins @ Boo & maddie

    Such a gorgeous picture and love your list, it really made me chuckle. Although at 36 and without children, I too feel very young at heart but have conveniently forgotten all about Algebra lessons 😉 have a lovely weekend X #PoCoLo

  10. 22
    tracey at Mummyshire

    This is funny! I’m one of the “other” mums but I like to think I can still twirl a cartwheel every now and again but the late nights are a killer!! hahaha!!

    • 23
      Lucy At Home

      Well I have to confess I’m not entirely sure about the late nights – they feel pretty dreadful to me! But I am assured that it will only get worse (great!). Hehe. Thanks for your comment. L

  11. 26
    Lucy At Home

    Oh yes I hadn’t thought about that as a reason. I was 24 when I had my first and I’ve got a big birthday coming up in the next few months! Eek! Having them around for big celebrations is a lovely reason! Thanks!

  12. 27
    Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    I’m a dead on average age mum it turns out! And yet still took the plunge earlier than all of my friends, so don’t feel like a particularly old mum. I’m glad we didn’t wait any longer – a lot of my concerns were financial, but the fact is that you just get by, don’t you. Although it’s definitely been way too long since leaving school that I could have a stab at any algebra – I’ll be deferring to my husband when those problems come around I think! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove

  13. 33
    The Mum Project

    Haha I just had Pizza Hut the other night! It’s so strange because I’m not actually that young (27) but in my group of friends I am VERY young to have a child already. My friends are not even close to thinking about having children, this has been somewhat difficult. But this post has made me happy because there are so many benefits to being younger when you have children. I now think that maybe, just maybe, I am the right age for children : ). Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us at #StayClassyMama!

    • 34
      Lucy At Home

      I’m 29 (24 when I first became a mummy) but I’m the same as you – most of my friends haven’t even settled down yet, never mind thinking about having babies. It was the right time for hubby and I, though, so that’s what we did! Thank you for commenting. L

  14. 35
    Bridie By The Sea

    Such a fab post…I’m not sure exactly where I sit on the scale 😉 but totally with you on loving KFC still and feeling like this is all a huge learning curve. I do think that extra energy when you have young kids can only be a good thing…especially as my toddler is running around everywhere at the mo! Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam great to have you xx

  15. 37
    Kristin McCarthy

    Wondering how old you are? I was 25 when I had my first….but then I had a second and ….wait…. identical twins to round this circus out. I had way more energy after the twins- I wonder why that is? It was the healthiest I have been since starting the baby parade so maybe that is why. I also wonder if it is because I couldnt stop and rest- so many people need me on the constant.

    I did try a cartwheel a year or so ago- pulled every muscle on the left side on my body…never again

  16. 41
    Rosie (@greenrosielife)

    This is great ESPECIALLY the point at the end that you are glad everyone is different. I am well and truly an older Mum, not having my first child until I was 37 but we all do what suits our lives and the world is a richer place for it. I still eat the cake and don’t worry if a bit of it lands round my hips! #pocolo

    • 42
      Lucy At Home

      Variety is the spice of life, as they say! We’re all different with different life circumstances and different attributes and skills to bring to the table. I wanted to celebrate being a young mum, as this is my experience, but I also get so much from my mummy friends who made different choices. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. L

  17. 43
    Morgan Prince

    What a brilliant post hun! I was 23 when I had BP, I guess that’s fairly young in comparison to the national average. I’m a little older now (BP just turned 12!!) and I do groan when I’ve been sitting on the floor for a while. Like you said though, no matter what your age, all mummies ROCK! 😉
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  18. 47

    Aww, lovely post! All mummies are great, but I certainly have noticed the difference in being a mum now (32) to when I had my first (27), where I am that was quite young (although I don’t think if that as a young mum she!) and most people don’t have their first until well into their 30’s! I’m now starting to find some activities harder going and the lack of sleep more difficult. I still love being childish though! Ha ha! #Whatevertheweather

  19. 50
    You've Changed; Are We Still Compatible? — Lucy At Home

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