Bloggers Bluff 22: My Girls And Me

Bloggers Bluff is a guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Rebecca from My Girls And Me.

The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us three unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true. One will be completely made up! 

Did you guess right?

Okay but first let’s do the reveal from week 21 of Bloggers Bluff, which featured Life At Floor Level….

Bloggers Bluff A: Meeting her husband in Vietnam

It’s funny because this was the one story that I was SURE was true! Haha. You’d think, by edition 21, I’d be getting good at this game but I’m useless! Haha.

This Week

Okay, this week I am joined by Rebecca from My Girls And Me.  Let’s hope I do better this time…!

My Girls and Me logo on Bloggers Bluff with Lucy At Home

My Girls And Me

I’ve been blogging for 2 months! I know it’s not a very long time, but I love how much it relaxes me. Even if I have had an extremely stressful day with the girls or at work, I come home, start writing and it seems to melt away. Blogging is like my calm time and I love to write what people want to read.

My Girls And Me is so family orientated; it shows how a young mum is coping with two babies and shows my journey through parenthood.

If I could give one piece of blogging advice, it would be, “Don’t panic!” It’s not as scary as you think.

Bloggy / Social Stuff

If you’d like to know more, here are the details for My Girls And Me – 


Twitter: @mygirlsandmexo

Facebook: @mygirlsandmexo

Instagram: @mygirlsandmexo

Bloggers Bluff

I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email. It’s open to all genres and experience levels 🙂

Now let’s get down to business! Here are Rebecca’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions…

Bloggers Bluff ABloggers Bluff Guest Blogger Game on Lucy At Home My Girls And Me

I love to cook; it is such an amazing thing to do! I like that people come round and try what you have worked so hard to make. Makes me extremely happy!

Bloggers Bluff B

My nickname when I was younger was ‘Hollywood’ (!) because I’m always a drama queen (apparently!)

Bloggers Bluff C

I used to do mountain biking, 4-6 times a week. I loved it!

So there you have it. Which is the lie and why??

Find out the answer in the next edition of Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe (bottom of the page) to my blog so you don’t miss out?

If you’ve got girls of your own, why not check out our new Lucy At Home t-shirt shop. We’ve got lots of designs like this cute Powered By Glitter tee. Plus, if you buy before the end of July, you can have 10% off using this discount code:


Other colours and designs are available!


Lucy At Home kids t-shirt Powered By Glitter heliconia

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  1. 4
    Mrs Lighty

    I’m going with B! I don’t know enough about Rebecca but she seems lovely so I’m thinking that Drama Queen doesn’t fit!!! Thanks so much for linking this up with #DreamTeam, will look forward to the answer! xxx

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