Bloggers Bluff 23 featuring Adrift Daisy
Bloggers Bluff is a guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Georgina from Adrift Daisy.
The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us three unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true. One will be completely made up!
Did you guess right?
Okay but first let’s do the reveal from week 22 of Bloggers Bluff, which featured My Girls & Me….
Bloggers Bluff C: Mountain biking 4-6 times per week
Becca said she has actually never done mountain biking in her life so it really was a total bluff! Thanks for taking part in Bloggers Bluff, Becca 🙂
This Week
Okay, this week I am joined by Georgina from Adrift Daisy.
Adrift Daisy
I have been blogging for around four years now, having previously written a review blog for books and films. With Adrift Daisy, I have been uploading content since March so four to five months.
I don’t think there is just one best thing when it comes to blogging. I absolutely love writing; all my content is personal to me, so just putting myself out there on the page gives me a thrill. I also love the blogging community, I have made some great friends through blogging and I cannot wait to meet even more people.
My blog is honest – not holding back, especially when it comes to serious issues. I also discuss sex, beauty and fashion. It is my personality on a page!
My best piece of blogging advice is: Don’t go into blogging aiming to make a living out of it. Write what you are passionate about and just put yourself into your blog. If it is something you are hoping to make quick cash with, readers will know and will walk away after the first post.
Bloggy / Social Stuff
If you’d like to know more, here are the details for Adrift Daisy –
BLOG: www.adriftdaisy.com
Twitter: @adriftdaisy
Pinterest: @adriftdaisy0073
Bloggers Bluff
I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email. It’s open to all genres and experience levels 🙂
Now let’s get down to business! Here are Georgina’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions…
Bloggers Bluff A
Over the years, I have learnt exactly how much alcohol it takes to get me really drunk. Now, I always know when to stop so that I don’t end up being a drunken mess in the corner crying (that only happened once).
At 14, I knew absolutely nothing about alcohol, only that my parents would let me have the odd drink with them. One night, my mum decided that she wanted a Southern Comfort and lemonade. She offered my sister and myself one – the deal was that I would have to make the drinks as my mum was too comfy.
I head downstairs to the liquor cabinet with glasses in tow and begin filling them each up with Southern Comfort. Little did I know that you weren’t meant to fill it up ¾ Southern Comfort and only a ¼ lemonade, but that is exactly what I did. I was 14, drunk at home and could barely get up the stairs.
Bloggers Bluff B
I have become quite the social butterfly since working at a bar. and often go out with the people there.
One night, I went out with Marie, Tom and Aaron after we had been to a cocktail training session. Aaron and Marie got so incredibly drunk that night that the staff members were asking Tom and I to take them home. However, they did not want the night to end and as we tried to get them to leave, they ran back inside.
So instead of hauling them back out, we spoke to the bouncer and got him to kick them out. We then lied about getting them kicked out.
Bloggers Bluff C
As an older sibling, it is my duty to get my little sister to do the jobs that I don’t want to.
We each have to take turns clearing out the guinea pig hutch, which I don’t have any issues doing. But coming home from work at six in the morning, waking up at 10 and being made to clean the hutch straight away, is a bit much. So instead of doing it, I used to pay my sister £3 for her to clean him out and then I’d take the credit when it was done.
So there you have it. Which is the lie and why??
Find out the answer in the next edition of Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe (bottom of the page) to my blog so you don’t miss out?
The Lucy At Home t-shirt shop is now open. We’ve got lots of designs like this brilliant My Cars My rules tee.
Other colours and designs are available!
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