Stuffed Toys of the World – I Salute You!
Collaborative Post
Hubby and I sometimes moan about the fact we’ve had to bring our kids up on our own. We live miles away from our families and, being young parents, our friends don’t have kids yet.
We’re on our own.
But there’s a whole team of people that I’ve missed out of this equation. There is one group that have always got my back in this parenting malarkey. In many ways, we co-parent with them, but they never get any credit for it. Well today, that’s about to change.
Stuffed toys – I salute you!
A Letter To The Stuffed Toys Of The World
To stuffed toys everywhere,
Thank you so much for your patience with us humans.
For generations, you have been listening attentively to our mini-dramas and worries for the future. You never judge and you never trivialise our problems – you just offer a comforting cuddle and a listening ear.
I’d like to give a special mention to Candy Bear and Thumper the Rabbit – two stuffed toys who have been dear friends of mine for many years. From grazed knees to fall-outs with friends, you two have stuck by me through it all. Even as a teenager, I sobbed into your fluffy coats over boys, arguments with my parents, and exam stress.
You were always there. Whatever I needed from you, you gave it selflessly. You were never too busy and you were never too tired. You always took my side and never added your own emotional baggage to cloud the issues.
I was your whole focus.
And now I look at my own girls and I see that I cannot bring them up alone. I need my own army of stuffed toys to help out.
Pink Bear – you give the best cuddles! Jenny is so lucky to have you. When I tuck my little one into bed at night, I know that I am leaving her in safe hands.
Cocoa – you have an important job too – Charis would never be able to sleep without you standing guard over her bed. You stay awake all night, keeping those monsters at bay. Each evening, we have to make sure you’re in place and that you have a clear view of the door. You are a hero!
Duck Duck – I know you have fallen out of favour a bit recently, but I want you to know that I am forever indebted to you for taking care of Jenny when she was in hospital. She drew courage from your familiar presence and she faced each challenge with you firmly squeezed to her chest.
Ted – your pocket-sized stature has saved my bacon on many occasions. Parent assemblies, restaurants, important meetings – you never fail to keep Charis quiet for me. I know it’s not the nicest job, waiting in the rucksack until there’s an emergency, but you do it so well. Also, congratulations on your recent engagement to Princess Anna – Charis told me all about it last week!
Stuffed toys of the world, I’m sorry you’re not given enough credit. You make the world a better place and you comfort our little ones when we can’t be there. You offer unwavering support and hours of fun.
From every human, everywhere, let me say a big thank you!
Itty Bittys
Well, we recently expanded our stuffed toy collection with some Itty Bittys from Hallmark. Itty Bittys are tiny, plush toys that are perfect for little hands and big hearts.
Hallmark have just launched their Disney Princess range which includes:
- Beauty and the Beast
- Tinkerbell
- Ariel
- Rapunzel
- and Aurora
At just 13cm tall, these cute characters are adorably sweet and the perfect stocking filler as they cost between £6 and £8.
The Disney Frozen collection is also available, made up of:
- Anna
- Elsa
- Olaf
- and Sven
We’re big Disney fans in our house and these gorgeous stuffed toys are already firm favourites.
I’d love to know – what was your favourite toy as a child? Did you have many stuffed toys? Do your kids have a favourite teddy? Let me know in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: We were sent the Itty Bittys for the purposes of this post. All opinions are my own. For more info, please check out my disclosure policy.
This made me giggle! Stuffed toys have helped me out too! #blogcrush
My son hated stuffed toys …until his sister cane along now he steals all hers #blogcrush
Up until now even at 11 and 8 my daughters still sleep with their stuffed toys. Although not all of them but they have their special ones – it is now Mr Bear and a big Minnie Mouse. And the latest addition is the emoji pillows. #Blogcrush
They are really cute, I can see how kids would love to collect them. It’s true, stuffed toys are so valuable to kids, my youngest has way too many of them but I can’t blame her as I recently bought a little pink fluffy bunny for myself! #BlogCrush
Totally relate to this. Thank you to the IKEA rabbit (“Babbitt”) who Small Boy won’t sleep without (there are in fact six Babbitts on rotation just in case – don’t judge me). Without Babbit I doubt I’ll sleep tonight. Thank you too to the giant Iggle Piggle who was the play friend of choice when Small Boy was poorly and contagious, and who gives the best cuddles when I’m feeling sorry for myself when it’s 3am and Small Boy has decided to wake up. We may not have a load of childcare or supposedly but those furry little friends have kept us all sane.
It took my son until he was 2-years-old to appreciate cuddly toys. This was music to my Mum’s ears as she’s crafted most of his collection. From Zonkey, to Gerry Giraffe my Mum has got it all covered. #BlogCrush
Itty Bittys are so cute my girls would love them. One of my girls has Bonnie who has seen her through so much throughout the years, including five operations. The other has Sweetie who was once white but is now a gentle shade of grey. The Little Man has Dave, who he named after his favourite Youtuber.
These are so cute! #BlogCrush
Hahaha, this was such a sweet post! But you’re so right, a stuffed toy/ cuddly is often a great substitute for mum’s absence. Especially when transitioning to sleeping in their own room or starting at nursery…
Ooh I love a cuddly toy. I still have my Care bear Tender Heart that I got for Christmas when I was about 4 – he came with me in my bag to every exam and only first day of school! I’ve donated him to D now but she doesn’t love him like I did. Her favourite is ‘Guy’, a Canadian white bear beanie baby she chose from a bootfair and bought for 50p. She loves him to bits, but honestly…white?1!! Gah! #BlogCrush
This is so cute. Small girl splits her time between daddy and I but no matter where she is piggy pillow and Scruffy the puppy are always snuggled with her come bedtime!!! #blogcrush