Love Your Siblings And You’ve Got A Friend For Life
I’ll be honest – I would have been happy to stop after having Jenny – we were very contented as a family of three and money was tight.
But I desperately wanted Jenny to have some siblings.
I have two brothers, and hubby has a brother and a sister. We have both grown up in busy households. Some of my happiest memories are playing with my siblings and I know, whatever happens, they’ve got my back.
I wanted that for Jenny too.
New baby
And so we were thrilled when, three years later, little Charis was born, transforming Jenny into “Big Sister”.
Jenny was an instant fan – cuddling her, smiling at her, making funny faces so that her little sister would laugh. And, three years later, they’re still at it. Jenny is the comedian and Charis shrieks with laughter.
It warms me to the core.
There’s something special at work when siblings are friends.
It’s a tie that binds their hearts together – a sibling can understand you unlike anyone else. It’s a tie that means one can wallop the other and five minutes later, it’ll be forgotten. It’s pulling each others ears off one minute and fiercely defending each other the next.
I love watching them interacting. Jenny is so protective of her little sister (even though Charis is like a firecracker!).
Now that Jenny is in school, she wants to pass on her newfound knowledge to her sister. This morning, I caught them both laid on the floor practising letter formations! It was so cute as Jenny tried to teach 3yo Charis. Granted, they were supposed to be getting their shoes on for school but it was still a lovely moment.
Hopes for the future
And so, my dear girls, I hope you will always appreciate this precious friendship.
Laugh together. Cry together. Share each others’ clothes.
There will be times when you see red and want to lash out. There will be times when you march off and slam doors. But make those times few and far between, and always forgive. Stand up for one another. Everyone feels weak at times and it’s good to know there’s someone who will fight your corner for you.
Growing up is hard. You’re going to need someone you can confide in. Don’t take it for granted that you have each other – nurture your friendship and invest time in it. Plan practical jokes together. Build dens out of sofa cushions. It will stand you in good stead for working together in the future.
I know the age gap can be difficult now. You might not always share the same interests. But you are sisters – find a way to make it work. It won’t be long before a three year difference is no time at all. Just try to be patient with each other.
I hate to say it, but Daddy and I won’t always be around. You’ll need each other even more then – someone to reminisce with and who gets all the weird family in-jokes. Someone to go through the grieving process with you. Someone to phone in the middle of the night when your heart is breaking.
I know you love one another dearly, and that makes me so happy. Keep comforting each other. Keep prioritising each other. Keep cheering each other on. You are very lucky to have each other and I am very blessed to have you both in my life.
A sibling is so much more than a brother or sister. A sibling is a friend for life and I’m praying that you enjoy that friendship to its fullest.
Love from, mummy xxx
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So true – although there is a 7 year age difference between my sister and I now that we are older we click and communicate like best friends. The same with my 2 girls they play so nicely together and are so protective over each other. Thanks for sharing.#BlogCrush
Grew up with a brother, it’s been so hard as we were so different and six years apart. But I think it has taught us both how to make important relationships work. We’re not the best of friends but we are still family and I like to think we’ll always be there for each other when it counts.
I love your posts Lucy, all straight-from-the-heart. This one’s beautiful too – and such lovely pictures. God Bless your girls! I have a lovely relationship with my elder sister too (we’re 10 years apart), and even though we live in different continents, we’re so close and have each other’s backs. I’m hoping my son will have that too one day, with a future sibling:)
I have three younger siblings and I love them dearly. We have always been really close. Right now my youngest sibling is estranged from the family but he’s going through a thing and chooses to keep his distance. I know he will come around though. Because we four always come around to each other. Love this post! Thanks for hosting #blogcrush
I don’t have any siblings, and have always wondered what that must be like… I have two kiddos now, and I love watching their relationship! it’s heartwarming and funny at the same time. Wrote about them, too! 😀
My sister and I are still bestie, we still laugh about the things we did as kids and the funny things only ‘we get’. I am four years younger than her and it never mattered. My girls are 3 years apart and they are now 10 and 13 and still can’t get enough of each other, and they let their little brother join in for most of it. The three of them share an amazing bond and I am so grateful for that. Beautiful post! #blogcrush
I was an only child and although I often wondered what it would be like to have siblings it never bothered me and I was never lonely (only-child stereotypes are rarely true) and in fact I saw people squabbling with their brothers and sisters and was glad to go back to my own room with no one taking my toys! However we decided we did want a sibling for Billy and we were lucky enough to have Frankie, Unfortunately Billy didn’t take kindly to having an imposter in the nest and we couldn’t leave them in a room together as he insisted on attacking his little brother! It was a stressful first year but now at 18 months they are starting to get on. Long may it continue!
Forgot to say #blogcrush!
I just don’t have a clue how I’d make it through this world without my sister (shvester) and I hope my girls grow up feeling the same way about each other. xoxo #blogcrush
Awww this is a very sweet post. My sister and I have always been really close. I don’t know what I’d do without her. X #TriumphantTales
I loved playing with my two brothers, you really do get a friend for life! #DreamTeam
It’s a shame I can’t see this with me and my sisters – c’est la vie. It would be lovely if it were the case for my daughters though. #BlogCrush
Lucy this is it My little sister is my best friend ever. Our parents passed away at a young age so always been just her and I. My son’s are the same at 17 and 15 they’re best friends thankfully
This is so beautiful. I have 2 brothers, always wanted a sister. And then I was blessed to have two girls, 1.5 years apart. They’re not exactly friends yet, but they do have special moments and I love to see that bond grow each day. It’s better than anything I could have wished for. #dreamteam
I was never that close to my sister as a child.
The three boys are constantly fighting, they have occasional moments of getting on, but they are few and far between.
Buddy and Little Miss OMG get on great together most of the time, and Buddy does look out for her. As well as letting her away with most things, taking his sweets, commandeering his tablet etc.
Thanks for hosting
I love this! I am sure as the years go on their bond will grow even more and the age gap won’t matter at all. My boys are yet to make a really strong sibling bond but I’m hoping with time it will grow because you are so right, if you have a sibling you have a friend for life xx #blogcrush
Only children can be happy and I’m sure aren’t lonely, but there is nothing like a relationship between siblings that get on. It’s truly special #staclassymama
What a lovely post. I’ve got an identical twin sister & also have two girls who are 3 years apart. It is lovely seeing their bond grow & I am sure they will thick as thieves as they grow up. #sharingthebloglove
They have a wonderful bond x A friend of for it seems Popping over from #SharingTheBlogLove
Aww, this is lovely. I love watching my two together. There’s a five year gap between mine and while I sometimes wish it was less it’s great watching my son teach his little sister things and the way she looks up to him adoringly. Those moments definitely make all the sibling arguments worth it x
Such a lovely post Lucy. A sibling bond is so strong and absolutely there will be a best friend for life for each of them. Thank you for joining us for the #dreamteam xx
Bringing you some love from #dreamteam, and thinking about my sister now too! xoxo
This is beautiful. There is 7 years between my sister and I but she is my best friend. We get on so well and although I don’t see her as much as I’d like these days, I know that if I needed her she would be there in a heartbeat – and vice versa. Thanks for joining in at #TriumphantTales. Be sure to come back Tuesday! X
Loving you again Lucy, this time from #triumphanttales xoxo
The best thing I ever did was give my girls each other. I adore watching them together, their relationship grow and the love they have for each other. Thank you for joining us at #sharingthebloglove
I love this post so much! I’m really close to my sister, and I desperately wanted to give Max a sibling to give him that opportunity too. But I didn’t expect how much joy it would give me as well – watching the two of them together, building that relationship, is the best thing I’ve done in my life, it’s absolutely heart melting. I know there will be difficulties as they get older, but I really hope that I can help them to develop a strong bond for them. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove
popping back from #stayclassymama
This is so lovely. My sister is my best friend and I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I really hope my children will be best friends and always look out for each other too. i can already see it now but hope it continues to develop as they grow up. Thank you for joining in with #StayClassymama
Aww, this is lovely. My sister is my best friend and we’ve always got on well. My husband hasn’t had the best relationship with his sister though. We’ve decided to stop at one and sometimes that’s hard for me, because I have only ever known having a sibling so the world of only children is new to me. I’m comforted by the fact that D has 3 cousins all living in close proximity who are a similar age, and I made lots of mum friends with children her age so she has people to play with who will be there for the long term.
Your girls sound like they have a very special relationship, I’m sure they will be the very best of friends! #BlogCrush
I have 3 sisters and there is an unspoken connection between us. As we are all getting older we are moving apart but once we are back together it’s like no time has passed at all! x #SharingtheBlogLove
This is such a lovely post – I have a great relationship with my brother, even though we now live miles away from each other. My boys are two years apart and it’s only now at 2 and 4 that I am starting to see a real friendship between them – I really do hope they grow up to be the best of friends. #SharingTheBlogLove
Oh I love this! My favourite thing in the world is seeing my four together, I waited such a long time to give Lewis a sibling and then he got three in two years. I’m not close with my brother so I miss that bond, I want my children to always have a friend in eachother. #sharingthebloglove
I enjoyed this post. I’m often defending my choice to have just one child, but it does highlight the upside of having a sister. #TweensTeensBeyond
This was beautifully written and exactly how I feel about the situation with my girls. I have three aged 4, 3 and 18months, folk think i’m crazy for having them all so close together but the bond and friendship they have is just amazing!
– Hannah