22 Things To Cheer You Up After A Bad Week
What. A. Week. It’s been one of those weeks where I just haven’t known if I’m coming or going. It’s been emotional. It’s been busy. It’s been stressful. It’s been exhausting. It’s been a bad week!
But I’ve made it. It’s Friday night and the working week is finally over. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry (and to be honest, I don’t really have the energy for either), but I’ve made it.
I’m sure we all have days / weeks like this, so I’ve compiled a list of things to do when you’re week is, quite frankly, crap!
22 Things To Cheer You Up After A Bad Week
- Get into your pyjamas (the fluffier the better)
- Tuck into a tub of your favourite ice cream (mine is Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food)
- Settle yourself on the sofa and immerse yourself in some no-brain-TV
Make yourself a luxuriously indulgent hot chocolate – yes marshmallows and squirty cream are an absolute must!
Cuddles with my kids never fail to cheer me up!
I’ve always loved having my hair brushed or stroked (I think my mummy used to stroke my hair when I was a little girl)

You just can’t beat having someone else brush your hair!
- Move your phone and laptop into another room and then close the door on them
Have a glass of wine (I’m a rosé girl myself)
Cuddle up with a hot water bottle
Play your mood out on the piano, or listen to some music
Sit at the window and watch the world go by
Drag your duvet down from upstairs and cocoon yourself on the sofa
Go out for a no-destination car journey
Pour yourself a glass of milk
Give yourself permission to have an early night
Take a hot bath – definitely bubbles and candles recommended

A bubble bath always helps to relax me
- Pull your hair bobbles out and take your make up off
Phone your mum / best friend and have a good, long natter
Do some colouring in
Have a look through some old photographs
Plan a treat trip to look forward to
Lie on the floor in the garden and look at the stars
That’s my list. Are there any on the list that you like to do? Have you got any others to add?
This is such a lovely post and so true – such simple little things can cheer you up so much. Last week was so rough for us so this is perfect timing xx #MarvMondays
Oh dear I’m sorry to hear you had a rough week. I hope this week is much better (and if it isn’t, you have these 22 things to fall back on! Lol)
A great list with some lovely destrss ideas. My top one would be go for a run, bike ride or surf, exercise is how I relax, but after that I’d tuck into the glass of wine and hot bath.
I’ve never done surfing (unless body-boarding counts?!) but we do a lot of cycling as a family. What a great way to travel!
Love these definitely pjs and wine!! Oh and cuddles with the munchkins too of course. Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays
You had me at pajamas! Great list!
Hehe love this comment! L
I’m with you on the Phish Food – I have a half-eaten tub in my fridge, ready for me when I have one of those difficult days! I’m also a big fan of putting the devices away and just watching stupid TV on the couch. #DreamTeam
aww sorry to hear you had such a week! Love your make you feel better tips. Love the piano for mood sorting and love sitting at the window watching the world go by – always helps put things into perspective somehow. Oh and yes to the fluffy pyjamas, hot chocolate, rose and cuddles with the children! Here’s to a better week xx #DreamTeam
So far, so good…
PJ’s, hot chocolate, cuddles, no make up. Sounds perfect! #DreamTeam
I do all of these when I’ve had a bad week except the colouring in. I don’t have the energy for that. If it’s been a very very bad week I find that copious amounts vodka helps.
23 BRA OFF! 😉
Ah I felt relaxed just reading this! So many simple indulgent things which when you can’t get out (and you’re too knackered anyway) make you feel soooo good. A takeway is always a fave of mine too. No cooking or washing up – heaven.
Thanks so much for linking up to #coolmumclub
Oh yes I love a takeaway too! Pizza if it’s been a bad-ish week. Chinese if it’s been a nightmare! Haha
Reading this in my pjs with a face mask on and eating crisps!! Couldn’t agree more! #coolmumclub
Oooh sounds lovely! Enjoy!
These are all great, but explain the milk…! #PoCoLo
Lol it probably harks back to my younger years, but when I’m really having a rough week, my go-to drink is a cold glass of milk (preferably with a sticky cookie or two!)
Ahhh sorry you’ve had a bad week but yes, all of these things are fab for cheering yourself up. For me it’s ALWAYS chocolate, I’m actually sat here eating a Wispa as I type! #PoCoLo
Wispa is my chocolate bar of choice too!
Yes to all of these! In fact a Hell Yes! Although in the absence of children I get cuddles from my furbabies instead 🙂 I’m sorry to hear you had a bad week and hopefully some of those did the trick in making you feel a little better X #PoCoLo
I’m sure cuddles with furbabies are just as comforting! This week has been better, thanks. L
A hot bath, PJ’s and a glass of wine are a must after a bad week. Great tips and love the dolly pics. Here’s to a better weekend! #PoCoLo
Can’t beat a hot bath for relaxing after a tough week!
Brilliant suggestions I love having my hair brushed too but can’t remember the last time someone did that. I am moving the laptop and phone tonight and getting on my PJs. #POCOLO
Hope you managed to get your tech-free night, Catie. L
Lovely post – sometimes it feels like bad weeks come more and more frequently! I love Friday nights knowing it is the weekend and my little family is reunited. This always cheers me up! #marvmondays
Oh me too. I love having everyone at home over the weekends.
Yes to bubble baths, pj’s and hot chocolate! I also love to just sit and read in my comfy chair if I need some chill time. Like the idea of lying in the garden looking at stars 🙂 hope you have had a better week thus week xx #coolmumclub
Thank you, Wendy. I love looking at the stars – gives me a bit of perspective that there is a lot more going on in the world than just my little week (although at the moment I’d probably get covered in mud if I tried it! Haha).
Pyjamas and hot water bottle are my go to. Followed by jumping into bed and watching TV. Please may I go and do this now?! #coolmumclub
Hehe I hope you got your evening in bed! I love a hot water bottle too.
Yes to so many of these! Duvet cocoon and ice cream plus no brain TV are my guilty pleasures. Great tip with your number 7! I need to do this more often. I also quite fancy laying in the garden and looking at stars but think I’d have to take the duvet cocoon with me for that one! Love this x
Oh yes – duvet cocoon DEFINTELY recommended in this weather!
This is a sugar lovers dream list. My favourite bit of this post has to be Prince Charming brushing the dolly’s hair. #PoCoLo
Haha oh yes – who wouldn’t want their hair brushed by Prince Charming?! 😉
What a fab list. Turning off the phones and having a nice long soak in a bubble bath is always my favourite way to unwind if I’ve had a tough day. Playing out my mood on the piano always works well too but I rarely have much opportunity to do so these days. #coolmumclub
Ah a fellow pianist! I don’t play as much as I’d like either. L
I would add taking my bra off to this list!! #coolmumclub
Oh absolutely!! I can’t believe I missed that off!
Great list – definitely some colouring in! I did that monday at a blogging event, arrived stressed and left chilled… Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo and hope this week has been a better one x
Colouring in is a great de-stresser! I don’t have any adult colouring books, but I’m a dab hand at Disney Princesses with my girls 😉
Totally with you on most of these…especially the fluffy pyjamas!!
Might have to try one or more of these. It’s half term!!! Eeek.
Lots of great ideas here!