Bloggers Bluff #15: Twin Mummy and Daddy

Thank you for joining me again for Bloggers Bluff. Let me know if you fancy having a go yourself – the game is open to all blog genres and experience levels 🙂

Bloggers Bluff is a guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Emily from Twin Mummy and Daddy.

The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us three unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true. One will be completely made up! 

Emily is mummy to twin girls (in case the name of her blog didn’t give it away!) and has very kindly agreed to take part in Bloggers Bluff after being volunteered by our featured blogger from last time, Alan from OMG Its A Girl! Haha. Anyway, I’m very grateful to her for taking on the challenge, and I will be going to Alan for all future recruiting needs! Lol.

Last Week’s Reveal

Anyway, did you catch Bloggers Bluff with OMG Its A Girl? I can now reveal that his bluff was:

Bloggers Bluff C: Failing his driving test 5 times

I have to admit I’m pretty relieved because going 70 mph in a 30 zone sounds totally terrifying! Alan said he in fact only failed it twice!

This Week

Okay, as I said, this week we’re joined by Emily from Twin Mummy and Daddy.

Bloggers Bluff Twin Mummy And Daddy

Let’s find a little bit more about her…

How long have you been blogging, Emily?

I’ve been blogging since 2012! I started blogging whilst on maternity leave with our twins!

What’s the best thing about blogging?

The experiences and opportunities that it’s given me and my family. We’ve been to London Zoo with You Tube kids and visited lots of places we wouldn’t normally visit. Also being able to earn money from my blog at home has given me so much flexibility when it comes to my working hours.

Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.

Twin Mummy and Daddy is a lifestyle and parenting blog. I write about our experience of raising twins and all that it entails, as well as topics that I feel passionate about. I also like to write the odd travel and craft piece!

What’s your best piece of blogging advice?

Much like parenting, blogging is all about trusting your own instinct. Don’t worry about what others are doing, or more importantly what they ‘say’ they’re doing. As long a you’re happy, then you’re doing a good job! Oh and don’t worry too much about stats!

Twin Mummy and Daddy

If you’d like to know more, here are the details for Twin Mummy and Daddy:


Twitter @TwinMumAndDad

Facebook @Twin Mummy and Daddy Our IVF Journey

Instagram @TwinMummyAndDaddy

YouTube @TwinMummyAndDaddy

Bloggers Bluff

I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email.

Now let’s get down to business! Here are Emily’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions:

Bloggers Bluff ABloggers Bluff Emily Twin Mummy and Daddy

This year I ran my first ever 5k. In the summer of 2016 I couldn’t even run 1k! My kids watched me from the sidelines. It was such an amazing experience crossing the finish line and then seeing my girls coming over to take a look at the medal I’d earned! I think they were quite proud of their mummy and we managed to raise some money for charity too.

Bloggers Bluff B

A few years ago, my husband and I organised a children’s Christmas party for two charities. With the help of family and friends the party was a success and we raised over £700 for our chosen charities!

Bloggers Bluff C

When I was 18 I did a charity bungee jump with a group of complete strangers. It was one the best experiences of my life and one that I won’t forget in a hurry!

So there you have it. Which one is the fib and which two actually happened?!

Find out the answer in the next edition of Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe (bottom of the page) to my blog so you don’t miss out?

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  1. 6

    Going for C. I can’t imagine anyone saying a bunge jump was their best experience ever! Everyone I know who’s done one says they’re proud they did it, but … #coolmumclub Great idea for a series!

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