Bloggers Bluff #09: Media Mummy

Bloggers Bluff is my guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Media Mummy.

The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us 3 unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true one will be completely made up! 

This week we have a TV-related Bloggers Bluff, and I honestly want all the stories to be true! Haha.

Last Week’s Reveal

Last week, Martyn from Inside Martyn’s Thoughts took part. I can now reveal that his Bloggers Bluff was:

I knocked all of my front baby teeth out when I fell through the open patio door.

I was an extremely clumsy child and always falling over and bumping into things. My Mum had a massive fear that my constant falling and tripping would mean that, in my excitement, I would fall out of the back door and drop down the 1 foot drop onto the solid patio concrete. To help ease her fears, she placed a piece of excess carpet outside to break my fall.

Whilst out playing in the garden, she called me in. I rushed indoors but tripped on that carpet. Falling forward, I smashed my teeth on the doorframe and broke the top set at the front. I had to eventually have the roots and teeth shards surgically removed and went several years with a set of child dentures until my adult teeth came through.

This Week

This week, I am joined by Kimberly  from Media Mummy.

Media Mummy Bio Photo

Media Mummy

Media Mummy Logo

Kimberly might be new to blogging but her blog is fab! Her recent post about parenty words and parenty places really had me chuckling (check it out, guys!). Plus, her pre-maternity-leave life in TV is fascinating (hence the TV-related edition of Bloggers Bluff). Before we get to her bluffs, let’s find a bit more about her…

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve been blogging about 2 months now – it’s shot past! I’ve gone from zero to about 700 followers which I’m really chuffed about. It’s been pretty full on, trying to juggle reading blogs, social networking and writing my posts with looking after two little humans too. Let’s just say the housework has suffered :-O

What’s the best thing about blogging?

I LOVE the networking. “Meeting” like-minded people. Reading brilliant posts from talented writers. Oh, and the ‘me-time‘; something that I love that I can hole up with a cuppa and do for half an hour that’s just for me.

Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.

Media Mummy is a gently humorous and chatty blog about my time off on maternity leave, learning how to keep two children relatively happy and very alive, and still have a life. I like writing about the little details I’ve noticed that make parenting both hilarious and hard work. And I’m going to dabble in real life interviews like those I used to film at work.

What’s your best piece of blogging advice?

Try to batch write when you get an hour or two, then schedule your posts to go out. Then you always feel on top of things, even if you haven’t got time to write a post that week!

Media Mummy

If you’d like to know more, here are the details for Media Mummy:


Bloggers Bluff

I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email.

Now let’s get down to business! Here are Kimberly’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions:

Bloggers Bluff A

Just before I got pregnant with my first, I filmed a BBC3 series called Don’t Just Stand There, I’m Having Your Baby (snappy title). I filmed the Dads-to-be having ante-natal classes with midwives to prepare them for being supportive partners at the birth.

I shot half a dozen births – waterbirths, hospital births, homebirths. It was often just me and the camera, with the parents, and of course it was a very intimate time for a stranger with a camera to be present. So I became very close to most of the contributors. It was an incredible experience – I felt privileged to be in the room when a new person entered the world (praying a tape/card wouldn’t need changing at the wrong moment).

I’m chuffed to say one of the couples named their little girl ‘Kimberly’ after our time together. We’re still in touch and she’s now nearly 4! (Although she’s more of a Kim, whereas I’m always Kimberly.)
Bloggers Bluff Inside Media Mummy

Bloggers Bluff B

In 2002, I was a runner on the BBC talent-show series Fame Academy. The celebrity guests who mentored the singers would be interviewed on the BBC3 live spin-off show I worked on.

One week our guest was the legend himself – Lionel Richie. He was totally inspiring and an amazing bloke, and ended the show with a rendition of Easy Like Sunday Morning sat at the piano.

We were running over time, so he only played about 30 seconds until we were off air… but as soon as the cameras cut, the whole production team gathered around and we sung out hearts out with him right until the end of the song. It was a really special moment as he whooped and encouraged us to sing as he improvised alongside. Amazing.

Bloggers Bluff C

When I was about 16, I was a huge fan of The Fast Show. My school friend and I were chosen to be part of a special fan club TV show – starring Jonny Depp no less! – as we had previously sent in some sketch ideas. Paul Whitehouse himself had sent us a handwritten note back saying “Brilliant!” (one of the catchphrases).

A film crew came and shot a VT of us running around my parents’ house and garden telling our story and shouting “Brilliant!” (cringe). It went out on air and I think can be found on the DVD extras of a boxset somewhere…

So guys, which is the bluff??

Find out in next week’s Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out?

P.S. I’ve just set up a Lucy At Home facebook page so if you could spare 30secs to give it a like, it would make me SUPER happy! or search @lucyathomeblog


Cuddle Fairy
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  1. 9
    Rhyming With Wine

    Yay! Love Kimberley’s blog and I’m also really intrigued by her TV background. I’ve seen Lionel live and I can totally see this being the kind of thing he would do, so I think I’ll go with C as the bluff. (Although I have to admit to running around myself shouting “brilliant!” a lot at the time too!) 😉 #coolmumclub x

  2. 12
    absolutely prabulous

    I’ve seen this doing the rounds on the linky circuit but I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve got round to clicking. What a blooming BRILLIANT idea woman! Go you! I think the bluff is number one cos my hubby’s met Lionel and did the same thing with the piano scenario 🙂 and so it’s either one or three. #coolmumclub innit?

  3. 14
    Sunita - Lucky Things blog

    So fun reading more about your TV life Kimberly!! Ha ha I remember when you revealed in our NCT class that you were working on the giving birth TV show!!! We just thought you would know everything about having babies. So cool you’ve also entered the world of blogging too. I know you’ve had some fab times already xxx Sunita #coolmumclub P.S. I’m actually a real life friend of Kimberly’s (yes I will name drop!) She really is fab IRL too xxx

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