Bloggers Bluff 25 ft. E L Feelgood’s Vintage
Bloggers Bluff is a guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Ellen from E L Feelgood’s Vintage.
The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us three unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true. One will be completely made up!
Did you guess right?
Okay but first let’s do the reveal from week 24 of Bloggers Bluff, which featured Mrs Mummy Harris….
Bloggers Bluff C: Being a First Dan Black Belt in Goju-ryu Karater
Apparently this is a true story, but it was Lianne’s hubby who did it not her. Also, I was really excited about Lianne’s Bluff A because I totally remember watching that show! It was one of my faves! Haha.
This Week
Okay, this week I am joined by Ellen from E L Feelgood’s Vintage. Ellen’s blog started out as a marketing tool for her vintage Etsy shop, but has now developed into a vintage lifestyle blog too.
E L Feelgood’s Vintage
I’ve been blogging for 13 months. It was a happy accident as I initially started as a way of introducing people to my vintage finds, selling them on Etsy. The blog though has now progressed to a lifestyle with a vintage twist!
The best thing about blogging is all the wonderful bloggers that I come across. I am amazed how supportive people are and how willing they are to share their hints, trips and tricks of the trade.
My blog is, quite simply a lifestyle blog with a vintage twist.
My best piece of blogging advice is to write about what you know, connect with other bloggers and enjoy it. If you are not enjoying then then take a break and come back to it.
Bloggy / Social Stuff
If you’d like to know more, here are the details for E L Feelgood’s Vintage –
BLOG: http://www.elfeelgoodsvintage.uk/
Twitter: @elfvintage
Facebook: @elfvintage
Instagram: @elfvintage
Bloggers Bluff
I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, just drop me an email. It’s open to all genres and experience levels 🙂
Now let’s get down to business! Here are Ellen’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions…
Bloggers Bluff A
When I was younger, I had been put in charge of making dinner for my brothers and myself. I got very angry when one of my brothers wouldn’t sit down at the table so I started shouting. He then proceeded to throw his knife at me. He missed me because I managed to hold the frying pan up to my face.
Bloggers Bluff B
I used to cycle to work each morning. I would cycle rain, hail, or shine – even snow! One particular day, I was going through a roundabout when a white van man crashed into me. I remember seeing the white of the van very close to my nose and being trailed part way round by the van. He said he didn’t see me in my bright blue jacket and luminous yellow helmet!
Bloggers Bluff C
I was visiting a project for work that involved kids during the summer. It was the first day and the kids were playing with a large skipping rope. I watched them for a while before being convinced to take part. I started skipping but within a few minutes I lost my balance and ended up on the ground. I was in agony, having damaged my coccyx!
So there you have it. Which is the lie and why??
Find out the answer in the next edition of Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe (bottom of the page) to my blog so you don’t miss out?
Don’t forget to pop over to the Lucy At Home t-shirt shop. We’ve got lots of designs like this cute Mama Bear t-shirt!
Other colours and designs are available!
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I’m going to say the bluff is A. Mostly because the other two are SO believable and most kids know not to throw knives. #BlogCrush
Ohh I am going to have to say A is a bluff – I hope it is anyway as that would have been a bit blimmin scary! xx #blogcrush
That’s a tough one! I’m going with A as the bluff. I know siblings are all about the love/hate but I hope it didn’t descend into knife throwing! Xx #blogcrush