Bloggers Bluff #02: Now My Name Is Mummy
Bloggers Bluff is the new game on the block for bloggers!
The idea is simple: our blogger of the week will come up with 3 outrageous, little-known stories facts about him- or herself. Two of these stories will be true one will be completely made up! Then we’ll open up the comments section and you can get guessing which one is the Bloggers Bluff.
Are YOU game?!
Last Week’s Reveal
Last week, Geraldine from Over Heaven’s Hill took part. I can now reveal that her Bloggers Bluff was:
I am a fan of WWE – hello Seth Rollins – myself and B rewatch old matches on the WWE Network when A has gone to bed. And sometimes during dinner – bad parenting tv dinners, don’t tell on us. A is becoming quite the fan herself and often “drops the elbow” on Papa Bear. FYI women’s wrestling on the WWE has changed and is awesome!
This Week
This week, I am joined by Claire from Now My Name Is Mummy.
Before we start the bluff, let’s find out a little more about her.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging for a grand total of 7 weeks.
What’s the best thing about blogging?
Discovering new blogs, ‘meeting’ new people. The mummy blogger community is lovely, so supportive and friendly!
Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.
Chaotic ramblings from a slightly (very) haphazard new mum!
What’s your best piece of blogging advice?
Just enjoy it. If it isn’t fun to write it probably won’t be fun to read!
Now My Name Is Mummy
And if all that’s whet your appetite, here are Now My Name Is Mummy’s accounts:
BLOG: http://nowmynameismummy.com/
Bloggers Bluff
If you’d like to take part in Bloggers Bluff then give me a shout.
Now let’s get down to business! Here are Claire’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions:
Bloggers Bluff A
My hair is naturally red. I’ve been dying it since I was 16 because I’m convinced I look like I should be a brunette.
Bloggers Bluff B
I hate putting my hand into things that aren’t clear. I can’t play scrabble because I can’t put my hand in the bag to pull out the tiles.
Bloggers Bluff C
I got an A in my Science GCSE but I have never lit a Bunsen Burner in my life.
So guys, which is the bluff??
Find out in next week’s Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out?
This is a great idea! Hehe I really want it to be C. I swear Bunsen burners were madatory part of science in my school, it’s pretty much all we did! Thanks for linking this up with #familyfun I hope we can find out he answer next week! #familyfun
Yeah we did loads of bunsen burner work too! This story reminds me of the way I managed to avoid ever using a glue gun in Design Technology (I was afraid of getting burnt!) by getting my ever-patient friends to do all my sticking for me! Haha! All will be revealed next week!
[…] out in next week’s Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss […]
Hmmm toughie. I’m stuck between B and C….. I’m going to go with C. I think that was the first thing we did in science.. although I don’t remember using it all thay often! Ahhhh this is hard! Much easier being the bluffee 🙂 #familyfun
I think we used bunsen burners all the time. Definitely easier being the bluffee, and watching everyone trying to guess! Thanks for commenting. L
Oh I am loving this game. I got last week’s wrong though. Damn. I don’t think it’s C as that is very possible. I have a chemistry degree and a chemistry PhD and didn’t light a bunsen burner in my entire time at university! I am going with B… #familyfun
Wow you have a PhD? Congratulations! We’ll have to call you Dr Choc and Wine! lol. I guess you progress past bunsen burners at university level and get to use exciting things like liquid nitrogen? That stuff fascinates me! Thanks for commenting. L
What a great idea! My friends and I were planning on playing this game on a mummy’s night out haha.
Hehe I can imagine it making for a good girls night out game! Thank you for commenting. L
Whoops! #sharingthebloglove
I LOVE THIS! I’ll deffo stick my name down for this! I reckon it’s C – deffo bluff! #sharingthebloglove
Hehe I’d love you to take part, Rach. I’ll send the info over to you. I’m loving your decisiveness in pinpointing the bluff too!
I’m going with B this time! Although I was wrong last week – what a well researched bluff – I had no idea who Seth Rollins was or what dropping the elbow meant, so I figured it had to be true! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove
I expect hours of research before my bluffees are allowed to take part 😉 hehe. Only joking, but yeah it was a great bluff! I had no idea who Seth Rollins was either
It’s C…unless Claire was too chicken and made someone else do it! Can’t believe Claire had only been blogging for such a short time. Wow! ! #Sharingthebloglove #ablogginggoodtime
Lots of people seem to be going for the bunsen burner one. I’m leaning more towards the scrabble one though (I don’t know the answer yet)
I’m going with C!
I’ll be sending my entries to you today! 😉
C seems to be a popular one! Thank you for sending your answers through 🙂
Will have to go for C – my daughter is forever lighting bunsen burners in science so not to would seem odd. But then maybe that is just too obvious. It’s a toughie. #ablogginggoodtime
Yes we used to use Bunsen burners all the time at school! I honestly don’t know what the answer is yet, but feel free to drop back in on Wednesday to find out 🙂
ooo tricky one I think she is bluffing over the clear liquid scrabble answer. That feels too random! Love this game! Thanks for linking up to #FamilyFun
It IS a very random thing! Thank you for leaving a guess. L
Ooh I like this game! 🙂 I’m going with ‘A’ for the bluff. #TheList
Glad you like it 🙂 I don’t think we’ve had many going for A yet!
Hehe this is a great game and way to get to know bloggers, C sounds very likely but I am going to go with B because that sounds like the obscure thing that would bother me! #ablogginggoodtime x
Haha yes B does sound like the sort of thing people get worked up about. I’m glad you like the series!
I’m going with A! I really hope that B is true, because I am just the same and it would be nice to know I am not the only one that can’t do this! Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove x
I think you’re the second person to say that B is true of you! You should start a club! Hehe. Thanks for leaving a comment. All will be revealed in next week’s post 🙂
[…] Last week, Claire from Now My Name Is Mummy took part. I can now reveal that her Bloggers Bluff was: […]
Ha ha ha this is an awesome idea. I am going with Option C as the bluff!!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime
I’m glad you like it! Thank you for leaving a guess 🙂
This is hard. I’m going to guess A? #SharingtheblogLove
It’s tricky, isn’t it! Thank you for guessing. Part 3 is already available, so feel free to click the link to check if you were right!