Bloggers Bluff #01: Over Heaven’s Hill

Bloggers Bluff is the new game on the block for bloggers!

The idea is simple: our blogger of the week will come up with 3 outrageous, little-known stories facts about him- or herself. Two of these stories will be true one will be completely made up! Then we’ll open up the comments section and you can get guessing which one is the Bloggers Bluff.

Are YOU game?!


This week, I am joined by Geraldine from Over Heaven’s Hill.Bloggers Bluff Over Heaven's Hill

Before we start the bluff, let’s find out a little more about her.

How long have you been blogging?

3 glorious months!

What’s the best thing about blogging?

Writing.  I absolutely love writing. It’s been my passion since I was a kid. I lost the love for creative writing a few years back and missed it. Blogging has been a great way to get me back into the writing zone and what better to write about than my family.

Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.

Over Heaven’s Hill is a journey of becoming the new me through parenting. Since becoming a mum I have changed and while the journey is terrifying, it’s incredibly amazing too.

What’s your best piece of blogging advice?

If you’re serious about blogging, then get your domain and hosting sorted before you even type one word! Going self hosted after blogging a month was tough and tedious and I’d never do it that way again. Transferring posts, graphics, images, stats, subscribers is just a pain.

Over Heaven’s Hill

And if all that’s whet your appetite, here are Over Heaven’s Hill accounts:


Bloggers Bluff

If you’d like to take part in Bloggers Bluff then give me a shout on

Now let’s get down to business. Give me three stories about yourself, Geraldine!


Bloggers Bluff AbloggersBluffLogo Over Heaven's Hill

As a seven year old ballerina, I performed a Pied Piper routine in the Gaiety Theatre, Dublin. As we waited in the wings I calmed down my dance partner who unfortunately wet herself with nerves. The entire performance I searched for my mum in the eaves and forgot my partner was a ball of jelly. Mental note: don’t work with kids.

Bloggers Bluff B

I am a fan of WWE – hello Seth Rollins – myself and B rewatch old matches on the WWE Network when A has gone to bed. And sometimes during dinner – bad parenting tv dinners, don’t tell on us. A is becoming quite the fan herself and often “drops the elbow” on Papa Bear. FYI women’s wrestling on the WWE has changed and is awesome!

Bloggers Bluff C

I walked the length of Manhattan from fifth avenue down to the East Village on a sweltering June day with 90% humidity. Being Irish, I of course did not reapply my lotion and got significantly burnt. Learnt my lesson there… avoid New York. I was also asked by a waiter in a coffee shop, because I’m from Dublin, if I knew anyone in Mayo… eh the answer was no.


So guys, which is the bluff??

Find out in next week’s Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out!


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Post Comment Love




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  1. 3

    Haha I love this! Very clever going into detail, makes it harder. Think B is true. Because I like WWE too, I also love Total Divas and think women’s wrestling has improved! XX

  2. 19

    What a great idea, just like WILTY – one of my favourite programmes! These are very good! I am going to say A. I wish I had had this advice before I started my blog though – I am now in the midst of wondering how on earth I go about moving over to self hosted! #SharingtheBlogLove

  3. 31
    Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    Love this idea for a series – although it is one of my worst nightmares when people ask you to come up with facts about yourself – my mind goes blank! I’m going for C as the bluff – no idea why! Will have to pop back next week! Thanks so much for joining us again at #SharingtheBlogLove

  4. 37

    Oh I love this idea! I honestly can’t tell which of the stories is a bluff, they all sound like they could be true? I thought maybe B was the bluff, but I’m starting to think that it’s been thrown in there to make us think it’s a bluff but it’s not? I’d be a rubbish Sherlock Holmes anyway! #PoCoLo

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