BlogCrush #01: Fri 17th February
I am soooo excited to welcome you all to the first ever #BlogCrush linky party!
As I’m sat here typing, I have to admit that I’m slightly (utterly!) terrified about how it’s all going to pan out… but I guess sometimes, you just have to take a leap of faith! I would never have had the guts (or the tech-y-ness!) to do this without the help of my wonderful co-host, Wendy from Naptime Natter, and I am thrilled to be starting this new adventure with her by my side!
This Week
This week has been crazily busy, as Wendy and I have been trying to get our heads around the InLinkz software to make the BlogCrush linky possible. I’m sure it will get easier as we start to fall into a routine, but there has been a lot of head-scratching and panicked twitter DMs going back and forth over the last few days! Haha.
All that aside, we’re really looking forward to getting stuck in and reading the fab posts that you’ll be leaving here for us.
Blog Crush
BlogCrush is unlike any other linky you’ve joined before so make sure you check out the rules below on how to enter. We want to give the best posts in the blogisphere the extra love and attention that they deserve. You will be our scouts! We want you to add 1 post of your own, and 1 post from someone else’s blog (this will be your BlogCrush).
Don’t worry if someone else has added the same post as you – it will just prove how totally AWESOME that post is if it’s added twice!
Featured Posts
Every week, Wendy and I will be linking up 2 posts each; one post we have written, and one that was our favourite post from the previous BlogCrush linky party (please note: only posts linked in person are eligible for this, not the ones you add as your BlogCrush).
This week is a bit different as we don’t have a previous week to go back to, so we’ve been scouring the web to source you the best posts that the internet can offer!
Wendy’s Blog Crush is Can I Just Say… by Beauty Baby and Me
My Blog Crush is 15 Things The Noughties Teen Will Remember by Now My Name Is Mummy
Feel free to collect your “I’ve been featured” badges, below 🙂
Get Linked Up
Okay folks, the time has come… get linking!
The Rules
- Join in with 2 posts:
- 1 post from your blog (personal)
- 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
- When you add the URL of your BlogCrush to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
- Tweet your BlogCrush to let them know you’ve added them to the linky
- Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least:
- 1 of Wendy’s post (personal or #BlogCrush)
- 1 of my posts (personal or #BlogCrush)
- 1 personal post
- 1 blog crush post
Please add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the gobblydygook code in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.
Also, if you’ve been chosen as someone’s #BlogCrush (not just mine and Wendy’s), CONGRATULATIONS! Feel free to use the “I’ve been featured” badge on your site. You deserve it!
We’d love to share your posts with our followers so feel free to tweet us using the #BlogCrush hashtag on @naptimenatter and @lucy_at_home.

Oh my word I’ve just popped by after work… too late though- I’m so sorry I’ve missed you! Just spotted a few of my posts linked up though as BC and I just wanted to say thank you to which ever lovely people have linked them! (I’m not sure I can work out who, but thank you very muchly!) I think this is such a brilliant idea for a linky. Dawn xx
The Rise and Fall of Supermum was me Dawn, Nicole over from Tales from Mamaville… tweeted you the same:) Well deserved blogcrush(es) there!
Aw thank you so much Nicole! I did a 12 hour shift yesterday so hardly got online at all, and only on my phone which misses out chunks of twitter notifications so I haven’t caught up properly yet. Thank you so much for sharing and for your lovely comment above. Big bloggy hugs xx