BlogCrush Week 37 – 27th Oct 2017

Blogcrush week 37 is… OPEN!

#Blogcrush might be a small linky, but it’s special because we don’t just promote ourselves – we ask all our bloggers to also link up a post by someone else too. If you’ve read something that was funny or thought-provoking or powerful or totally spot on, link it up here and let the writer know how brilliant you thought it was!

If you’ve not joined a linky before, check out my beginner’s linky guide.

blogcrush linky concept blogcrush week 37

Below is our “I’ve been featured” blog badge and it is for anyone who has been added to the blogcrush linky by someone else. That means someone has really loved your post, and you defo deserve to shout about that! Just copy the code in the text box and paste it into the HTML / text section of your blog. Go on – you’ve earned it!

Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 37


The Rules

  • Join in with 2 posts:
    • 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
    • 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
  • When you add your BlogCrush (post written by someone else) to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
  • Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
    • 1 of Lucy’s posts (personal or blogcrush)
    • 1 of Alice’s posts (personal or blogcrush)
    • 2x personal posts from the rest of the link up
  • Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the gobblydygook code in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.
Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 37

Blogcrush Week 37

Featured Posts

This linky is co-hosted by myself and Alice from Letters To My Daughter. Each week, we choose 1 post each that is particularly brilliant. These posts are then added back into the linky the following week as the HOST BLOGCRUSH posts, getting you lots of extra comments! This little perk is reserved for YOUR posts only (i.e. the posts that you add from your own site). Here are the featured posts for Blogcrush Week 37 –

Alice’s Blogcrush post is: Nurturing Natural Curiosity in Children by Miller in the City

Lucy’s Blogcrush post is: Encouraging Toddlers / Preschoolers to Draw by SEN Resources Blog

My 3 year old will be starting nursery soon (more on that in my linked up post this week) so this post really jumped out for me. She actually loves to do mark-making and colouring in, but there are lots of other ideas in the post to broaden the experience. I particularly like that each activity has an explanation as to what it’s teaching and why it’s helpful for children.

Congratulations, guys! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page 

Host Post

First off, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who said such nice things last week about my new e-course for bloggers. It’s so exciting to see people signing up and making their blog giveaways even better. There introductory price of £15 is still valid until 14th Nov so if you’re thinking of signing up, just click the link below. (and remember you can sign up now while it’s cheap and just stash the course away until you need it later if you want to).

**The Newbie Giveaway Guide**

The Newbie Giveaway Guide by Lucy At Home BlogCrush Week 37

Right, and now back to today. My post for BlogCrush Week 37 is Starting Nursery: Why I’m Worried (& Why I Shouldn’t Be)

We’ve just had confirmation that Charis (3) definitely has a nursery place for January. Eeek! I know she’s really looking forward to it, but she’s been at home with me all this time and I worry if I’ve prepared her enough for the massive changes ahead. As a way to calm myself down, this post is a little list of all the things she’s learnt from being at home. It might not have been an official education but these 3 years we’ve had together certainly haven’t been a waste.

starting nursery child studying How To sign blogcrush week 37

Thank you so much for popping by for Blogcrush Week 37. Alice and I love to head up this little community and share some love and light around the blogisphere! Enjoy the link up and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Love, Lucy x

P.S. Please add the linky badge to your posts as it encourages more people to join in 🙂

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