My Big Gamble & Why Mums Can Change The World
The tears are still drying on my cheeks as I type this. Tonight, I’ve taken one of the biggest gambles of my life – I was offered a teaching job where I could pick my hours, get free childcare, and get a proper wage… and I turned it down. Why? Because I genuinely believe that mums can change the world!
Now that push has come to shove, I have decided to chose my blog over a traditional job…
The Google gods
I didn’t start blogging to earn money – I didn’t even know that was a thing. I wanted to blog because I was the mum googling “why won’t my baby feed?” at 3am in the morning. I was the mum who had no support network and felt like I was floundering. I am still the mum who faces new challenges every day and worries about doing the right thing.
In those moments, was it a mum friend or the midwife who came to my aid? No it was the Google gods and their friends – bloggers!
I consumed blog post after blog post of fellow mums sharing their experiences, telling me that I was not alone. They reassured me that things were normal. They dispensed hints and tips of things that had worked for them. Their voices gave me the confidence to reach for help in my own friendship circles.
And as my confidence grew, I began to think, “I want to do that!”
My dream to change the world
I had a dream to lead a generation – a generation of mums who are passionate about doing their best but who need encouragement, not judgement.
I want to encourage mums to be the very best version of themselves that they can be. Yes, that will change from day to day, but that’s okay – nobody expects you to be perfect. If love is at the heart of everything you do, then your best is good enough and everything your child needs.
At a time when mums are revolting and “slummy mummy” is on the rise, I wanted to offer an alternative – a positive parenting blog, but without the “perfect mummy” sheen.
I will fight tooth and nail against the kid-shaming culture that exists:
- no more calling them “little sh**s” or “demons”
- no more teasing and humiliating them for the entertainment of grownups
- no more social sharing of every little mistake they make
- no more white lies to manipulate them into behaving
Mums – we can make this happen! We can create a culture that nurtures and inspires instead. We can change the world!
Think what a difference it would make if an entire generation arrived who had been built up and lavished with kindness! They would instinctively care for those who were struggling, work together to find solutions, and support one another instead of trying to “get one over” everyone else.
Gentle parenting
I see my blog changing lives – making mums more self-assured, kids more confident, and the world a better place.
I am passionate about creating a culture where children are fed love instead of lies, saturated with empathy instead of ridicule, and, ultimately, treated as human beings should be treated!
Gentle parenting isn’t about letting your kids rule the roost, it’s about treating them how you would wish to be treated. And more than that, it’s about treating yourself as you wish others would treat you.
Now is the time for change!
My gamble
Right now, I have this platform to take on the world. How can I turn my back on it? Lucy At Home is doing something that is worthwhile – creating a community instead of a bank balance. And if I turn my back on it now, who will carry on this legacy? Who will support those mums who rely on me? Who will keep pushing for change? Who will represent the children who cannot stand up for themselves?
It’s not about the money. It has never been about the money. That’s why I turned the job down today. My head tells me I’m foolish, and yet my heart tells me that I can be a catalyst for change. Sometimes you need a spark to get the fire burning and I want to be that spark.
This is my calling.
I have a dream to change the world and today I took a gamble on it…!
Are you with me? Do you think it’s important to bring children up respectfully? Have you found the information and support on Lucy At Home helpful?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, please consider joining our community (click our Facebook banner below to join the Mums With L Plates Facebook Group or get the Lucy At Home posts sent directly to your inbox by filling in the form at the bottom of this page).
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Great aspirations Lucy and a very brave move to buck the social norm and choose family and motherhood over money. You definitely inspire Mums to be the change they want to see. Keep it up, the world needs more like you!
Wow Lucy, this is amazing!! I’m so pleased for you for sticking to what you really belive in! Your blog has taught me so much about gentle parenting and I definitely think you can help to change people’s attitudes on how they bring to their kids. Your Facebook group is wonderful too. Good luck with everything lovely xx #blogcrush
Love your attitude to parenting so much. It alines with my own. If only I knew you 25 years ago when my two were toddlers. I would have been delighted to join your community. I will pass your facebook group info to my daughter, who was married recently, once she starts her family xx
I read somewhere once that all great change is brought about by unreasonable people — in your case great change might be brought about by a reasonable person — now that’s revolutionary! Best of luck #BlogCrush
I think I’m missing out by not having a facebook. I agree that we should treat our children the way we want to be treated. And why not? We are told to do it for strangers, people at work, and really, anyone we don’t know but not told to do it at home where it really counts. I think the basis for this is to be able to treat your spouse/significant other/or the other person you had the child with, with respect and dignity. When kids see this, they mimic it. It is also easier to treat your own kids respectfully when you are also being the example. Thank you for this post! #BlogCrush
Go Lucy! I had goosebumps reading. I’m cheering you on because I’m sure you CAN make a change. It starts with one person having a passion, and you have passion by the bucket load! I feel the same way about positive parenting and hope for a future where the new generation coming through will be kind, empathetic and say no to violence and crime. #Blogcrush xxx
I applaud you for listening to your calling and moving forward in the direction you want to go. I have recently been considering a traditional job as well but keep leaning away from it because I feel like I can make important change with my message as well. While my blog is not a mommy blog, my focus on breaking down the stigma attached to issues of mental illness is so important and so necessary that I simply cannot turn my back on my mission either. It truly is a calling! You have created a platform to follow your calling and if you continue to follow the passion, the rest will fall into place! #BlogCrush
Crazy or not we all have to learn to follow our hearts and yours was sending you a clear message! Congrats and good luck!! #BlogCrush
I think it’s great you can do something you love and which can help others too. I don’t have a network of fellow mums or family either here. It is important to have non-judgemental people to ask. #BlogCrush
Lucy! You’re so brave! I’m in awe <3 you're doing a fab job with your blog, and I'll support you all the way xxx #BlogCrush
I love everything about this post! #BlogCrush
Lucy i love your parenting style and share the same ideas/ ideals. It must have been hard to turn down a great sounding job but i am sure it is the right thing for you. I feel the passion and your caring and empathic side in your blogs keep up the great work and know that i certainly appreciate what you do so thank you xx
I’m a big fan of gentle parenting too! Sometimes there are really difficult choices we have to make with our careers like this one, but in 10 years time you could regret taking the easy option, but you’re unlikely to feel bad about being brave. #BlogCrush
Oh lovely Lucy! I believe we can change the world! I have to, and I am happy to read that you believe it too! Honor your passion, as we do! You rock. Kudos on your choice and lets watch where your bravery leads us! #blogcrush xoxo
Hey Lucy you obviously wrote this post with such passion. What a difficult decision to make but you have achieved so much with your blog. I would agree with your parenting philosophy 100% and I find it such an encouragement to find other mums online with a similar ethos when there’s so much out there that is negative. Thank you for inspiring me too. #blogcrush
It’s funny how blogging can change your life. I’m reminded of the quote ‘be the change you want to see’. I agree that the attitude of kindness is far better than the get one over mentality which is truly disgusting. #BlogCrush
How did I miss this amazing post, Lucy! A lady after my own heart! Being respectful, kind and having empathy have to be gs we need to teach our children and how can we do that? By being those things to our children! I have blogged about this before so I am totally behind you! I shall share your post. Well done you for following your heart….I didn’t always and I wish i’d Had your courage! My children are almost grown but I now try to encourage these qualities in my job as a teacher. Xx
I 100% agree with you it is so important to bring children up on kindness and love. Well done for following your heart and putting everything you have into changing the world.