Bloggers Bluff #07: Bridie By The Sea

Bloggers Bluff is my guest post game for bloggers and this week we’re featuring Bridie By The Sea.

The Rules: Our blogger of the week will tell us 3 unusual stories about themselves. Two will be true one will be completely made up! 

Are YOU game?!

Last Week’s Reveal

Last week, Tracey from Hooks and Dragons took part. I can now reveal that her Bloggers Bluff was:

I have an IQ of 130. I know this because I paid to take the mensa-approved IQ test. I was really pleased with the result, until I found out that the minimum level required to join mensa is 131. So near, yet so far…

This Week

This week, I am joined by Bridget from Bridie By The Sea.

Bloggers Bluff Bridie By The Sea


I join Bridie’s linky ( #DreamTeam ) every Tuesday and it’s such a lovely community of bloggers. Bridie’s blog was one of the first blogs that I started to read regularly and I’ve loved following her journey from stay at home mummy to working mama.

How long have you been blogging?

7 months that have gone by in a flash!

What’s the best thing about blogging?

When someone relates to your writing and lets you know that you’ve reassured them that they’re not alone. That’s an amazing feeling.

Describe your blog in 3 sentences or less.

Bridie By The Sea is my positive and honest take on being a mum for the first time. It’s my way of remembering every detail of parenthood, the rockiest journey of my life.

What’s your best piece of blogging advice?

Don’t judge your beginning with someone else’s middle. I find it so easy to get sucked into obsessing over stats and followers, but try to do my own thing and be patient with my blog.

Bridie By The Sea

And if all that’s whet your appetite, here are the details for Bridie By The Sea:


Bloggers Bluff

I’d love to have more bloggers take part so if you fancy being featured on Bloggers Bluff, give me a shout.

Now let’s get down to business! Here are Bridget’s three Bloggers Bluff submissions:

Bloggers Bluff A

When I was 8 years old, I auditioned for the National Youth Ballet and amazingly got through. I went on a summer camp with the other dancers and ended up performing at the Royal Opera House. I played the part of a pig in Midsummer Night’s Dream and fainted onstage due to the heat of wearing a pig’s head.
Bloggers Bluff Bridie By The Sea

Bloggers Bluff B

On a trip to Italy with my other half, a baby projectile vomited from a height off a balcony and onto my OH’s back. As a passerby tried to help him mop it up, I then started heaving and threw up on my jeans too. We searched high and low for a chemist with wipes or something to clean the sick off but everything was shut so we had to rock up to our very expensive hotel smelling like tramps.

Bloggers Bluff C

On Sunday evenings, my pre-start of the week OCD anxiety starts to kick in… call it that back to school feeling! So I usually find myself going round the house with a plastic bag frantically tidying up all the mess that has filled our house during the week. Hilariously, my 18mth daughter has now caught onto this and usually follows behind me putting her toys in the the plastic bag

So guys, which is the bluff??

Find out in next week’s Bloggers Bluff! Why not subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out?


P.S. I’ve just set up a Lucy At Home facebook page so if you could spare 30secs to give it a like, it would make me SUPER happy! or search @lucyathomeblog


This post is entered on the following linkies:

Cuddle Fairy
Pink Pear Bear


Add yours
  1. 13

    Oooh that is a really tricky one good options Bridie. Hmm the second one would be funnny but for some reason I think number 3 is calling to me. Perhaps cause I used to call it grumpy Sunday syndrome and do a simile thing… thanks for sharing at #familyfun xx

  2. 15

    Ah shucks got last week’s wrong! I’m going with B for this week’s. I really love this series so entertaining! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub xx

  3. 17
    Rhyming with Wine

    I’m going with C. A toddler that tidies up their toys?? ‘Aint never gonna happen haha. Big fan of Bridget’s work though – I can’t believe that she has only been blogging for 7 months? I thought she’d been writing for years! Thanks for sharing Lucy x #coolmumclub

  4. 25
    Heather Keet

    I’ve definitely learned to never stress about stats. A few months ago mine took a nosedive and I was stressing about it every day. And then it bounced back with a vengeance. I now have almost triple the followers and readers that I did before the plunge. And they are actively engaging readers so I treasure them.

    • 26
      Lucy At Home

      I find it really hard not to worry about stats. I know I just need to keep plugging away but it’s hard when your stats don’t seem to reflect the effort you’re putting in. Thanks for the encouragement here, though, Heather. L

  5. 28
    Agent Spitback

    Loving this series – it’s so FUN! Mmmm, I would say #2 because to me, I am terrified of vomit and so I hope that #2 never happened. Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

  6. 30
    Fiona Cambouropoulos

    I love that insight “don’t judge your beginning by someone else’s middle” I look back on my 6 years of blogging and I know my blog is still growing in quality. My first posts were quite embarrassing but we all start somewhere and mature with time. #BigPinkLink

    • 31
      Lucy At Home

      Yes it’s a great quote, isn’t it. I sometimes fall into the habit of comparing myself to other bloggers who’ve been blogging the same length of time as me, but even that’s not comparable because you don’t know their background or how many hours they’re putting in. I think, at the end of the day, you just have to do what’s right for you and not worry about other people. L

    • 33
      Lucy At Home

      Yes my girls seem to be anti-tidiers too – I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve put all their books back on the book shelf, turned round to do something else, and look back to see my little one sat on the floor with the books spread all around her again!

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