BlogCrush Week 60 – 6th April 2018

Thanks for joining us at BlogCrush Week 60. The Easter holidays are in full swing here so I apologise that I’ve been a bit rubbish with tweets recently but hopefully normal service will resume soon…!

About BlogCrush

BlogCrush is a linky party so it’s a place for bloggers to share their posts with others and reach new readers. We’re also trying to build a community of people who share and support each other.

– If you’re a blogger, add 2 posts (yours AND someone else’s) by clicking on the blue “Add your link” button near the bottom of this post

– If you’re just here to read some fab blogs then keep scrolling and you’ll find the thumbnail links below

For any bloggers who haven’t joined a linky before, check out my beginner’s linky guide which will tell you everything you need to know!

Blog Crush linky concept BlogCrush Week 60

This week’s hosts are:

Here at BlogCrush, we’re all about celebrating each other and giving each other a good PAT ON THE BACK for a job well done.

If a fellow blogger added your post to the BlogCrush linky, that means they really liked it and they wanted to share it here and get you some extra views and comments. So well done on writing such a fab post! Celebrate your awesomeness by copying the code from the text box below and pasting it into the HTML / text section of your blog!

Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 60

All posts with a pinnable image will be added to the Blogcrush Pinterest Board, and the host’s blogcrushes will be added to the Best of Blogcrush board! We’d love you to follow those boards and the hosts too 🙂





The Rules

  • Join in with 2 posts:
    • 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
    • 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
  • When you add your BlogCrush (post written by someone else) to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
  • Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
    • 1 post from Host 1 (personal or BC)
    • 1 post from Host 2 (personal or BC)
    • 2x personal posts from the rest of the link up

So that’s a minimum of 4 posts.

    • Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the gobblydygook code in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.

Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 60

Blogcrush Week 60

Featured Posts

Like most linkies, both hosts get to choose a favourite post from the previous link-up – a featured blogger. Here at BlogCrush, we believe these featured posts should get some extra attention so we add them back into the linky for you as our Host BlogCrush posts. This means you get lots of extra views, shares & comments from our lovely linkers.

Alice and I were hosting last week so we’ve chosen the featured posts for BlogCrush Week 60:

Alice’s Blogcrush post is Gardening Provides Wonderful Sensory Experiences for Children by Old House in the Shires

Lucy’s Blogcrush post is Why My Relationship Fizzled Post Baby by The Unstoppable Mama

Everything changes when you have a baby. When your life is in turmoil, you’re not getting enough sleep, and you feel overwhelmed, it can be easy to start fighting with your partner. I loved this post for it’s honesty in talking about this difficult issue, and also for the practical advice on keeping it all together.

Congratulations to you both! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page because you are featured bloggers on BlogCrush Week 60!

Host Post

The post I am linking up this week is called Don’t Fall For This Happy Mum Scam.

Social media would have us believe that the only way to be happy is to have a perfect life with pure white clothes and a vase of tulips. But it’s simply not true. And if you want to be a happy mum (or dad), you just need to see your life from a new perspective…


Don't Fall For This Happy Mum Scam - mother holding hands with child in a forest - blogcrush week 60

Thanks for linking up with us again at BlogCrush and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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