BlogCrush Week 48 – 12th January 2018
Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I’m a bit late with that but this is my first week hosting in aaages!
Before we kick off BlogCrush Week 48, I’ve got a SUPER EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT to make:
Fri 16th February marks a whole year of the BlogCrush linky! And to thank you all for your support, we’ve arranged a Bloggers’ Bundle Giveaway EXCLUSIVELY for our #BlogCrush linkers! It will be open only to people who have linked up here at BlogCrush. There will also be an additional prize awarded to the person who has been chosen as a Host BlogCrush the most number of times.
More details to follow in the coming weeks…!
Okay, now back to this week. If you’ve not joined a linky before, check out my beginner’s linky guide which will tell you everything you need to know. But remember – BlogCrush is unique – we want you to share the blog love around by adding a post of your own AND linking up a post written by someone else!
This week’s hosts are:
- Lucy (Lucy At Home) – @lucy_at_home
- Alice (Letters To My Daughter) – @L2MyDaughter
Below is our “I’ve been featured” blog badge and it is for anyone who has been added to the blogcrush linky by someone else. That means someone has really loved your post, and you defo deserve to shout about that! Just copy the code in the text box and paste it into the HTML / text section of your blog. Go on – you’ve earned it!
We now have a BlogCrush Pinterest Board. Wendy, Alice and myself thought it would be nice to have a board where we can showcase all the fabulous posts that are linked up here each week. We have also created a “best of blogcrush” board where the host’s featured blogcrush posts will get a second pin. Please pop over and give us a follow (and obvs we’ll follow you back) –
The Rules
- Join in with 2 posts:
- 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
- 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
- When you add your BlogCrush (post written by someone else) to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
- Tweet your BlogCrush (& us) to let them know you’ve added them to the linky ( @lucy_at_home and @L2MyDaughter )
- Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
- 1 post from Host 1 (personal or BC)
- 1 post from Host 2 (personal or BC)
- 2x personal posts from the rest of the link up
Remember you can always comment on more, though. This is just the minimum. The more effort we put into a linky, the more we all get out of it 🙂
- Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the
gobblydygookcode in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.
- Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the
Blogcrush Week 48
Featured Posts
As co-hosts we get the lovely job of choosing a post each from the previous linky to be our BlogCrushes.
We only choose posts that are added by one of our linkers (not your BC posts) and have the linky badge. These are then added back into the linky the following week as featured posts. Alice and Wendy were hosting last week so they’ve chosen the featured posts for BlogCrush Week 48:
Alice’s Blogcrush post is Miss-sold PPI: the ‘Perfect Parenting Ideology’ by Daddy Poppins
Wendy’s Blogcrush post is 9 Rainy Day Activities for Kids by School Runs & Shopping Trolleys
Congratulations, guys! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page
Host Post
My post for BlogCrush Week 48 is Could My Daughter Be Developing Anxiety?
The health and well-being of my children is always a number-one priority, but I think I may have missed the warning signs pointing to my daughter’s anxiety issues. She is only young and it may only be a phase but I believe mental health should be taken seriously, even in children, and so here are some of the things to look out for…
Thank you so much for popping by and joining in with BlogCrush Week 48, either as a linker or as a reader, and I hope to see you again next week.
Love, Lucy x
P.S. Please add the linky badge to your posts as it encourages more people to join in 🙂

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