BlogCrush Week 42 – 1st December 2017
It’s December! How did that happen?? Haha. And it’s BlogCrush Week 42. Thanks for popping by 🙂
This is a linky party which means it’s a place where bloggers can drop a link to one of their posts. Then we all comment on each others posts and everyone is happy!
BlogCrush is special, though, because we don’t just add a post of our own – we also link up a post by someone else too. So think of a post that has really resonated with you – did it make you laugh? or cry? or was it super informative? – and then add it to the list as your BlogCrush post. Easy 🙂
If you’ve not joined a linky before, check out my beginner’s linky guide which will tell you everything you need to know.
This week’s hosts are:
- Lucy (Lucy At Home) – @lucy_at_home
- Wendy (Naptime Natter) – @NaptimeNatter
Below is our “I’ve been featured” blog badge and it is for anyone who has been added to the blogcrush linky by someone else. That means someone has really loved your post, and you defo deserve to shout about that! Just copy the code in the text box and paste it into the HTML / text section of your blog. Go on – you’ve earned it!
The Rules
- Join in with 2 posts:
- 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
- 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
- When you add your BlogCrush (post written by someone else) to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
- Tweet your BlogCrush (& us) to let them know you’ve added them to the linky ( @lucy_at_home and @NaptimeNatter )
- Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
- 1 post from Host 1 (personal or BC)
- 1 post from Host 2 (personal or BC)
- 2x personal posts from the rest of the link up
Remember you can always comment on more, though. This is just the minimum. The more effort we put into a linky, the more we all get out of it 🙂
- Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the
gobblydygookcode in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.

Blogcrush Week 42
Featured Posts
As co-hosts we get the lovely job of choosing a post each from the previous linky to be our BlogCrushes. Alice and I were hosting last week so we’ve chosen the featured posts for BlogCrush Week 42:
Alice’s Blogcrush post is 1 in 4 Women With Disabilities Experience Domestic Abuse by Life of an Ambitious Turtle
Lucy’s Blogcrush post is Questions I Asked My Kids 14 by All in a Dad’s Work
This series from All in a Dad’s Work is great fun – it’s hilarious how kids’ minds work sometimes and Eric’s boys, Crash and Bang, come up with some brilliant answers to these questions! My favourite answer is that Bang’s favourite part of his body is his ribs! Brilliant!
Congratulations, guys! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page
Host Post
My post for BlogCrush Week 42 a festive one- A Fun Christingle Nativity Story for Children
A Christingle is a great Christmas craft for kids (plus you get to eat it afterwards – bonus!). I love the traditional Christmas story – magic, royalty, mythical creatures, animals, babies – and this is my little re-telling of it. And there’s lots of opportunity for audience participation here too…!
Thank you so much for joining us at BlogCrush Week 42. It is a pleasure co-hosting such a lovely linky, filled with such fab bloggers. Have fun reading everyone’s posts and share lots of bloggy love around 🙂
Love, Lucy x
P.S. Please add the linky badge to your posts as it encourages more people to join in 🙂

I am honored to be selected to be featured as your #BlogCrush. Thank you!
Thanks for hosting and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.