Blogcrush Week 21 – 7th July 2017
Helloooooo! Welcome back to another week of blogcrushing – Blogcrush week 21 to be precise!
As bloggers, we read a lot of blogs (!) and when one really jumps out at you and you know that it deserves some extra attention, bring it here! We ask our bloggers to share 1 post that they’ve written themselves and 1 post that they’ve enjoyed by someone else. That means we get some of the best posts from the whole blogisphere linked up here each week!
If you’d like to join in, just click the blue “Add a link” button at the bottom of this post (check out this beginner’s linky guide if you’re unsure). Or if you’re just here for some fab reads, click on any of the thumbnails below and you will be redirected straight to that post.
This is our prestigious “I was featured” blog badge. You are very welcome to pin it to your blog with pride if you’ve ever been chosen as someone’s #blogcrush 🙂
The Rules
- Join in with 2 posts:
- 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
- 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
- **When you add the URL of your BlogCrush to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title**
- Tweet your BlogCrush (& us) to let them know you’ve added them to the linky
- Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
- 1 of the Lucy’s posts (personal or BC)
- 1 of the Wendy’s posts (personal or BC)
- 1 personal post
- 1 blog crush post
- Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the
gobblydygookcode in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.

We’d love to share your posts with our followers so please tag us in your tweets using the #BlogCrush hashtag. You can find us at @lucy_at_home and @naptimenatter.
Blogcrush Week 21
Featured Posts
Each week, Wendy (my lovely co-host from Naptime Natter) and I pick a post each from the previous #blogcrush link up to feature. That means you get lots of extra comments from our lovely linkers! But remember, only posts linked up in person are eligible for this (i.e. not your blogcrushes). Here are the featured posts for Blogcrush Week 21 –
Wendy’s #Blogcrush is To The Other Mum by The Mummy Bubble
My #Blogcrush is 10 Signs The End Of The School Year Is Nigh by Daydreams of a Mum
Kelly is a really brilliant writer – she can do funny and she can do heartfelt. This fab post about the end of the school year had me nodding and chuckling away as I saw ourselves in the scenarios she described.
Congratulations, guys! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page
Host Post
Finally, the post I’m linking up for Blogcrush week 21 is a post called No Follow Links: 3 Things Brands Know That You Don’t.
When I started blogging, I had no idea about linky parties, HTML code, or nofollow links – blogging has a whole new language of it’s own! But the way I learnt was to read posts by more experienced bloggers who explained how stuff worked and what it meant.
If you ever work with brands (or intend to in the future), you need to know about follow and nofollow links, and this little post will set you on your way – what are they? why are they used? how do you make them? what does the law actually say about them?
But more than that, I really love the nofollow rule and think it’s something that we should be proud of. Intrigued? Check out the post then 😉
Right I think that’s all the admin stuff so let’s get linking! Thanks for popping over to #blogcrush and I’m looking forward to seeing what wonderful posts you guys have brought along to make Blogcrush week 21 go with a bang!
P.S. just a quick reminder to add BC to the title of your post by someone else. Thanks 🙂

Forgot to add BC to the front of my blog crush mummy fevers great post just so you know its mine xx