Blogcrush week 16 – 2nd June 2017
Welcome back! This is blogcrush week 16. I am flying solo this week as my lovely co-host, Wendy, is taking a well-earned break. So thank you for popping over and keeping me company! That means the rules are slightly different this week because both host posts will be from myself. So, the 4 posts you need to comment on (as a minimum) are:
- 1 of the host posts
- 1 of the host blogcrush posts
- 1 personal post
- 1 blog crush post
Whether you’re a seasoned pro, or a linky newbie, you are very welcome here at blogcrush! Just click the blue “Add a link” button at the bottom of this post to share your brilliant blog posts with us (check out this beginner’s linky guide if you’re unsure).
This linky is a little different because our linkers don’t just add their own posts, they also add someone else’s that they’ve enjoyed reading. If any of your posts have ever been added here as someone’s #blogcrush, you are welcome to add our little “I was featured” badge to your blog!
The Rules
- Join in with 2 posts:
- 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
- 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
- **When you add the URL of your BlogCrush to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title**
- Tweet your BlogCrush to let them know you’ve added them to the linky
- Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
- 1 of the host posts
- 1 of the host blogcrush posts
- 1 personal post
- 1 blog crush post
- Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the
gobblydygookcode in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.

We’d love to share your posts with our followers so feel free to tag us in your tweets using the #BlogCrush hashtag. You can find us at @lucy_at_home and @naptimenatter.
Blogcrush Week 16
Featured Posts
Each time, Wendy (my fabulous co-host from Naptime Natter) and I pick a post each from the previous #blogcrush link up to feature. This is a prize worth winning as it means lots of extra comments from our lovely linkers! But remember, only posts linked up in person are eligible for this (i.e. not your blogcrushes). Here are the featured posts for Blogcrush Week 16 –
Wendy’s #blogcrush is I Know I Don’t Want Any More Children… But I’m Still A Little Sad About It by Pam’s Bake and Baby Blog
My #blogcrush is Why I’m Planning An Old School Summer by Word To Your Mother
As the school holidays draw near, I get really worked up about how I’m going to keep my kids entertained. The 6 week summer holiday feels particularly daunting. This post reminded me of all the fun you can have without structured classes and timetabled activities, as well as taking me back to my own childhood.
Congratulations! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page
Host Post
Finally, as I said, I’m linking up two posts for blogcrush week 16 as I am the only host. Check out the slightly different rules above if you haven’t already.
The first post I’m linking is Intrusive Question No. 632: More Kids??
As parents, we just have to get used to the fact that people will stick their noses in – is he potty trained yet? is that snack organic? does she sleep through? – But one of the questions that really annoys me is about whether I want to have more kids or not. But the other day, I had a moment of clarity. And if you want to know the answer… you’ll have to read the post! 😛
The second post I’m linking up is from my guest blogger series, Bloggers Bluff. The basic idea is that the blogger of the week tells 3 funny or interesting stories about themselves, but only 2 of the stories are true. It’s up to the readers to guess which story is the fake. This week features Diary of a Little Peach and includes a stories about a horse, a refugee, and a wedding abroad!
Thanks for popping over to #blogcrush and I’m looking forward to seeing what wonderful posts you guys have brought along to link up for blogcrush week 16!

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