BlogCrush Week 106 – 22nd February 2019

Welcome to BlogCrush Week 106 – the LAST BlogCrush of all time (sob!). Thank you to everyone who has joined us over the last 2 years – I feel like we have spread a little bit of extra light and love across the blogisphere nad it has been a pleasure to read so many wonderful blog posts.

Please can I remind you to subscribe to your favourite linkers so that you don’t lose touch once the linky closes.

About BlogCrush

Blogcrush is a linky and so this post is aimed at bloggers rather than my usual content readers.

A linky is place where bloggers can advertise their work – a list of different bloggers, all in one place. BlogCrush is the best linky around (yes I’m biased!) because we’re a supportive community – we ask our bloggers to add a post of their own AND a post that has been written by somebody else.

If you would like to share one of your posts*, simply click the blue “click here to enter” button. A thumbnail picture will appear on THIS post which is a direct link to the YOUR website.

*Please make sure you read and follow the linky rules (below)

(This beginner’s linky guide is packed full of linky info and tips if you’re still feeling a bit confused!).

The BlogCrush linky is co-hosted by myself, and Kelly from Daydreams of a Mum and here’s a bit of a visual summary to let you know what the BlogCrush linky is all about:

BlogCrush Linky Concept - BlogCrush Week 106

The “I’ve been featured” blog badge

If you’re here because someone CHOSE your post as their BlogCrush…

Congratulations! They must have really appreciated your work. You can collect your (well-earned) blog badge by copying the code from the text box below and pasting it into the HTML / text section of your blog!

Lucy At Home UK Gentle Parenting Blogger - Blogcrush Week 106


The Rules

  • Join in with 2 posts:
    • 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
    • 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)

(Please Note: this is a family-friendly website. Whilst we love the range and diversity of the bloggers who link up here, Lucy At Home reserves the right to remove any posts that are deemed inappropriate at her discretion and without warning.)

  • When you add your BlogCrush (post written by someone else) to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title
  • Tweet your BlogCrush (& us) to let them know you’ve added them to the linky and share their link (@lucy_at_home and @daydreamer_mum). Please tweet us your own BlogCrush posts too so we can share them for you.
  • Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
    • 1 post from Host 1 (personal or BC)
    • 1 post from Host 2 (personal or BC)
    • 2x personal posts from the rest of the link up

So that’s a minimum of 4 posts.

    • Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the gobblydygook code in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.

Lucy At Home UK Parenting Blogger - Blogcrush Week 106

BlogCrush Week 106

Featured Posts

The BlogCrush hosts showcase the two best bloggers from each week by adding them back into the following week’s linky as “host featured posts”. As per the BlogCrush rules (see above), these two special posts will get lots of extra comments from our linkers.

So, for the final time, here are our choices for BlogCrush Week 106:

Kelly’s BlogCrush is TBC

Lucy’s BlogCrush is Struggling With My Teens, Tweens & Their Screens by Liberty on the Lighter Side

Lucy’s Own Host Post

My post for BlogCrush Week 106 is When Selfless Love Becomes Self Abuse

It’s an old post. I couldn’t write a new one. In all honesty, I am struggling with my own mental health at the moment and writing is becoming increasingly hard. I guess that’s part of the reason I’ve called time on BlogCrush. Life is complicated and hard and you never know how someone else is really feeling.

Sending much love out to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over the last two years. xx


selfless love self abuse crying alone - blogcrush week 106

Thank you for popping by for BlogCrush Week 106. Here are the posts that have been linked up this week:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter



Add yours
  1. 1

    Really sorry to hear you are struggling. Hate seeing the back of Blog Crush but also feel you are great to be taking care of yourself and letting some stuff go as part of that process. Glimmers of light in that choice. Wishing you all the best and remember as someone who talks about gentle parenting to be gentle with yourself also.

  2. 3
    Rebecca - Glutarama

    My darling.

    I wish I could reach out to you and comfort you. Nothing I say can be enough and it’s unlikely what I write will ignite that spark. I know where you are right now, it’s lonely (even when you’re in a crowded room) it’s dark (even when you stand in the sunlight) and it crushes the air from your lungs.

    Be gentle with yourself, allow your body to rest and your mind to mend

  3. 4

    Hi, I hope I followed the instructions well…… I will go to my Blog Cruch now and post, let me know if I did it wrong, please, also this is really cool, thank you for creating such s great resource…

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