From the mouths of babes: kids worship too

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Do you believe in and worship God?

I should start this post by clarifying 2 things:

  1. I am a Christian, accepted by God only because Jesus took the punishment for my wrongdoing
  2. This blog is not an explicitly Christian blog but my belief in God is not a mere add-on that can be ignored when I feel like it.

And so with this in mind, I press on with a post that I feel moved to write.

What Is Worship?



Worship is simply adoring something. In church, we worship God because He is good, and because He loved us enough to take the punishment that we deserved.

In church this morning, my eldest (5 years old) and her buddy were sitting on the row in front of me. We were worshipping God by singing songs to Him (specifically ‘My Lighthouse‘ by Rend Collective) and those two little children were singing their hearts out.

worship Rend Collective

‘My Lighthouse’ is from The Art Of Celebration album by Rend Collective

Worship The One Who Never Changes

In many ways, they may not have understood the theology of the song, but the image of a Lighthouse (God) standing firm in the midst of a raging sea (life’s struggles) is universal. Adults have a hard time admitting they need help but children are so familiar with the warm, safe feeling that comes from knowing our limits are nworship lighthouseot the limits of others or, in this case, God’s – He can keep us safe, He loves us unconditionally, He is not phased by what we’re struggling with.
“Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies, you have prepared praise.” Matthew 21:16
If you have any questions about this post and about how I know that God is good, feel free to leave a comment below.
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