38 Ways GIVEAWAYS Will Get You More Blog Business

When I started blogging, I had no idea that giveaways existed. I didn’t even know that idea that bloggers worked with brands. Not a clue! I just wanted to write and have a space of my own. I wanted to help other mums who were getting overwhelmed to feel a little less alone.

So giveaways had never even crossed my mind.

When the first brand approached me about hosting a giveaway, I panicked – I had no idea how to do it. I felt stressed through the whole thing, constantly checking how many entries there were and wondering why anyone would put themselves under this much pressure.

But now, I LOVE hosting them. If you’ve never considered running a giveaway before, or you’re not sure what the point is, here are 38 reasons to help convince you!

38 Reasons to host giveaways on your blog

1) A reward for your loyal readers

2) Attract new readers

3) An incentive for brands to work with you

4) You can buy your own prize for a giveaway and get the benefits even if you’re a small blog

5) If you do no 4, it may lead to real brand work as they see you can do it

6) Increase your social media influence

7) The brand can see that people are visiting the review you’ve written

8) Create a social media buzz around your blog

9) Widen your blog appeal

10) Increased page views

Laptop with rose reasons to host a giveaway

11) Competition entries are a visible representation of the reach of your blog

12) Social shares of your blog

13) Your blog listed on other sites (i.e. competition websites)

14) You get to try out the product too!

15) “Compers” are generally very active on social media so are good followers to have

16) A inroad to the general public rather than just blogger traffic

17) Self-perpetuating because people are sharing to enter, so more people see it, so more people share to enter, etc

18) Social sharing from the giveaway brand

19)Another string in your blog bow

20) Some companies will pay you extra to run a giveaway

reasons to run giveaways giant calculator

21) Increased page views leads to more paid / brand work in the future

22) More comments on your blog (if specified as a giveaway entry)

23) Everybody wants to win a prize

24) It’s easy to do

25) Low effort, high reward

26) You can tailor the entry requirements to target the blog areas you’re focussing on (e.g. facebook fans or blog subscribers)

27) Your blog name associated with the product / brand you’re giving away

28) Enhance your blog content

29) Readers learn to trust your opinions / recommendations

30) There are widgets to do most of the work for you

reasons to run giveaways Disclosure Policy Laptop

31) The brand will post the product out so it doesn’t cost you anything

32) Competitions are fun

33) High numbers of entries encourage other brands to work with you

34) Happy readers

35) The brand benefit from extra social shares too

36) Because of no 35, the brand want to work with you again

37) The entries is proof of the impact a blogging campaign is having

38) An incentive for readers to sign up to your blog newsletter

Now I’m not suggesting that you quit writing your normal posts and just do a load of giveaways instead. But a regular stream of competitions alongside your normal posts can really help you along.

The Newbie Giveaway Guide

And here is the really exciting bit – I’ve got a tried and tested formula for making the giveaway strategy work for you. And I’ve written it all down in my brand new giveaway course – the Newbie Giveaway Guide!

The Newbie Giveaway Guide by Lucy At Home giveaways

I’ll be telling you where to look for giveaways, how to negotiate with brands, how to set up a giveaway using Rafflecopter, and how to promote your competition so you reap the maximum rewards. We’ll also be looking at the legal bits such as writing the terms and conditions, and creating no follow links so that you know exactly what you should be doing.

If you’re new to giveaways, or your giveaways feel like hard work, or you’re not getting many entries (less than 2000), then get yourself signed up.

This is a brand new 5-part course written by myself and includes all the hints and tips I’ve picked up along the way.

I will ping the first installment over to you the day after you sign up so you can start your giveaway journey straightaway. You will also get your course workbook then too.

The cost of the course is £20 but we have a special 25% off Early Bird deal of £15 if you sign up before 15th November 2017.

Follow this link for more information on the Newbie Giveaway Guide.

Or simply click this button and enroll yourself on the course:

Buy access to the course now!

38 Ways Giveaways Will Get You More Blog Business

Linked to:

3 Little Buttons
Motherhood The Real Deal
Hot Pink Wellingtons

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com


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  1. 1
    The Squirmy Popple

    I’ve never run a competition before – like you, I started blogging because I love to write and never considered competitions as part of my ‘blogging journey’. (Ugh, I hate that phrase.) But maybe I’m missing a trick – I know loads of bloggers use them to raise their social media profile and it does seem to work. #ablogginggoodtime

  2. 5
    Joana at Mind The Mummy

    Super informative! I’m not at the stage where I can dedicate this much attention to my blog and turn it into something far more wide reaching but when the time comes I will be reaching out for these tips and looking into your course! #blogcrush

  3. 7
    lucy mackcracken

    i’m still quite new to the blogging world and haven’t thought about running any competitions yet, these are some really helpful and simple tips to follow for when I am ready to do this, thanks for sharing #blogcrush

  4. 11
    daydreams of a mum

    I do like to enter a giveaway or two!!! I’m too scared to even go self hosted yet scared my brain would explode such a technophobe I am so hosting one is certainly beyond me but I think I’ll bookmark this for when I bite the bullet and do it #BlogCrush

  5. 12
    Mrs Mummy Harris

    You’ve listed so really good points as to why giveaways are so good for a blogger!! good luck with your course, I need to do one myself but just have NO time right now dammit! fingers crossed it’ll be done by Christmas!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back tomorrow!

  6. 17
    Alice | Letters to my Daughter

    Ahh, excellent reasons! I’ve been considering it, but feel like I need to have a bit more content on my blog before diverting too much traffic. Not sure if that’s a valid reason for stalling! Thanks for sharing and I may well take you up on that offer 🙂 #BlogCrush

  7. 18

    Great post Hun and obviously I think your course is ffab too. Hope you get lots of people signing up as I can already see following your advice has helped with my latest giveaway so it’s really worthwhile xx #blogcrush

  8. 19

    Ive never thought to run a competition, you make a good argument. I never thought that compers are active on social media and use this as a means to increase your traffic. Thank you x

  9. 23
    Eva Katona

    Couldn’t agree more! I love love love giveaways! I also like to take part when a fellow blogger hosts a giveaway with something I really like. I tend not to overdo them, I think one or two is a month is perfect. #stayclassymama

  10. 29
    five little doves

    Fab post! I love doing a giveaway, I try to have one going if I’m away on holiday or when I’m wanting to take some time off. It keeps the blog ticking over and gains me more followers and in return I give something back to my readers. Win win! #sharingthebloglove

  11. 30

    This is a great post I have to say I resisted running giveaways for so long but have found out first hand that is an amazing way of getting your blog to the next level! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this xoxo

  12. 33

    I love this post – I have always stayed away from giveaway posts as they always seem a little complicated. However I am doing my first one this month and now I am glad that I am. #sharingthebloglove

  13. 35
    Susie at This is me now

    They definitely help boost traffic and social followers. I’ve done a few and they’ve been popular posts. I use Gleam which is easy but it’s definitely a bit more time consuming so I don’t really do it for nothing that often. #SharingtheBlogLove

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