Blogcrush Week 30 – 8th September 2017

Blogcrush Week 30 – let’s do this thing!

This is a linky party. They’re great fun and, if you’ve not been to one before, you’re going to love it! A linky is basically a list of blog posts all collected in one place. If you’re a blogger, you can add your post to the list in return for following the rules below. Check out this beginner’s linky guide if you need a bit of help.

If you’re just here to have a read of the fab blogs here, then be my guest! We have some fantastic writers join us for blogcrush so I’m sure you’ll find some fab reads! Click on the thumbnails below to be taken directly to each blog post.

Our linky is a bit different, though, because, rather than just promoting our own posts, we add posts that we’ve enjoyed by other people too. Here’s a bit more info on how it works:

blogcrush linky concept blogrush week 30

Below is our “I’ve been featured” blog badge and it is for anyone who has been added to the blogcrush linky by someone else. That means someone has really loved your post, and you defo deserve to shout about that! Just copy the code in the text box and paste it into the HTML / text section of your blog. Go on – you’ve earned it!

Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 30



The Rules

  • Join in with 2 posts:
    • 1 post from your blog (personal) – no linkies please
    • 1 post from someone else’s blog (your #BlogCrush)
  • **When you add the URL of your BlogCrush to the InLinkz form, put “BC” at the beginning of their title**
  • Tweet your BlogCrush (& us) to let them know you’ve added them to the linky
  • Comment using the #BlogCrush hashtag on at least these 4 posts:
    • 1 of the Lucy’s posts (personal or BC)
    • 1 of the Wendy’s posts (personal or BC)
    • 2x personal posts
  • Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post that you’re linking up from your own blog. You can do this by copying the gobblydygook code in the box below and pasting it into the HTML view of your post.
Lucy At Home Blogcrush Week 30

We’d love to share your posts with our followers so please tag us in your tweets using the #BlogCrush hashtag. You can find us at  @lucy_at_home and @naptimenatter.

Blogcrush Week 30

Featured Posts

Each week, Wendy (my fabulous co-host from Naptime Natter) and I pick a post each from the previous #blogcrush. These posts are put back into the linky list as featured posts and you get lots of extra comments from our lovely linkers! This little perk is reserved for YOUR posts only (i.e. not your blogcrushes). Here are the featured posts for Blogcrush Week 30 –

Wendy’s #Blogcrush is Second Baby? The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing But The Truth by Bell From Bow

My #Blogcrush is Do You Walk In Your Dreams? by Raisie Bay

Anne is wheelchair bound after getting a rare condition called “Stiff Person Syndrome”. However, in her dreams, she has always walked… until now. This post was really thought-provoking and a real insight into what life is like when you are dependent on a wheelchair.

Congratulations, guys! Please collect your “I’ve been featured” badges from the top of the page 

Host Post

Finally, my post for blogcrush week 30 is: The Local Knowledge Guide to North Wales.

Those of you who follow Lucy At Home on Instagram will know that we spent a week in North Wales over the summer holidays. The scenery over there is truly breathtaking and we had a fabulous time. This post is a little round up of the places we visited, with some hints and tips for anyone who fancies trying them out!

North Wales Colwyn Bay Ice cream Blogcrush Week 30


After this week, Wendy will be taking a little break from hosting #blogcrush as she is very busy moving house. We will still be running, though, but you will only be able to link up via Lucy At Home until at least the end of September.

Finally, I want to say a big thank you to all of you for joining us. It’s brilliant that we have so many regular linkers and I love having my weekend flooded with tweets that celebrate each others’ blogs! I hope you enjoy blogcrush week 30.

Love, Lucy x

P.S. Remember to check add BC to your Blogcrush’s title 🙂

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